Spring 2017 Idaho Tree Farm Program
P.O. Box 2659 • Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814 • (T) 208.667.4641, ext 503 • (F) 208.664.0557
www.idahotreefarm.org • admin@idahotreefarm.org
Idaho Tree Farm Program Annual Meeting
• President – Russ Hegedus
Idaho Forest Group (T) 208.255.3250
• Vice President – Sean Hammond (T) 208.610.8754
• Treasurer – Steve Cuvala
Idaho Dept. of Lands (T) 208.245.4551
• Administrator – Savannah Miller
ID Tree Farm Program (T) 208.667.4641
District Chairs:
• District 1 Chair – Andy Eckberg Idaho Forest Group aeckberg@idfg.com (T) 208.255.3276
• District 2 Chair – Tim Schaffer Bennett Lumber Products
(T) 208.819.1214
• District 3 Chair – John Lillehaug
All About Forestry (T) 208.630.4076
Outstanding Tree Farmers of the Year 2017
Wood Wizard Tree Farm,
Kurt & Sandy Koetter, Rathdrum, ID
The annual meeting of our ID Tree Farm Program was held March 27 during the Family Forest
Landowners Conference and Exposition in Moscow, ID. Both the conference and our meeting were very
well attended this year. Current Program President Russ Hegedus gave a rundown of 2016 activities
and those planned for the upcoming season.
The main portion of the meeting was the announcement of our recipients for Outstanding Idaho Tree
Farmer, Inspector and Logger of the Year. This year the award for Tree Farmer went to Kurt and
Sandy Koetter of Rathdrum. They began their journey just out of college by purchasing a wood lot
near Bonners Ferry. Later they found 13 acres near Rathdrum where Sandy was teaching. As the years
went by they continued to purchase adjacent parcels until finally reaching the current total of 113
acres in their Wood Wizard Tree Farm.
The Koetters have been active through the years in Idaho Forest Owners Association, Tree Farm,
Master Forest Steward Program, and the Idaho State Forestry Contest. Kurt served many years as the
advisor for the Post Falls High School team, and they opened their Tree Farm to many groups of
students as a place to learn about and appreciate forestry. One of their early pupils, Sean
Hammond, was enthused enough to make working in the woods his profession. Sean was able to pay back
a bit for his experiences with the Koetters as their Nominating forester for this well deserved
ITFC President Russ Hegedus and Vice President Sean Hammond presenting the Koetter’s their plaque
for ID Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year 2017
Page 2 of 8 Idaho Tree Farm Program 2017 Annual Meeting (continued
from page 1)
Kurt and Sandy have spent a great deal of “sweat equity” over the years in stand improvements such
as planting, road stabilization, precommercial thinning, and watershed restoration. They continue
to harvest a few loads each year to keep up with growth & mortality. Wildlife flourish on the
parcel and the view looking out over the prairie is definitely something to behold. You will all
get a chance to see it in person when we hold the Fall Tour on their Tree Farm this September, so
make plans to join us. Congratulations Kurt and Sandy!!
Also recognized at our awards program is the recipient for Idaho Outstanding Tree Farm Inspector of
the Year. Our Inspectors remain the backbone of all the state programs and we appreciate their
efforts greatly.
The Outstanding Inspector this year is Chris Gerhart, Private Forestry Specialist for the ID Dept
of Lands in the Clearwater Area.
Chris has been active with both the Forest Stewardship and Tree Farm programs for a number of
years. During our recent certification audit, he was very helpful in making sure all the Tree
Farmers selected for review in his area were well prepared and free of any issues. His efforts
were a big part of the reason our field audits went so well. His nominating Forester, Russ Hegedus,
says “Chris has a heart for landowners and doing the right thing for them”.
Well said, and a big “Thank You” to Chris from all of us for his hard work and dedication!
Chris Gerhart –
ID Outstanding Inspector of the Year
ITFC Past Chair Doug Bradetich (l) with John Kinne of Odenwald Forestry (r) presenting the
Outstanding Logger of the Year award.
As every landowner knows, a good logger is critical to doing a good job. For the last 25 years John
Kinne of Odenwald Forestry in Kootenai, ID has been doing above and beyond simply “good”. His work
on private tracts both small and large is great by any standards
& we are proud to name him Outstanding Logger of the Year. The true test of any contractor is
whether he is asked back for a return visit. John has an impressive string of family forest owners
that regularly seek him back for continued care of their parcels. In addition to his high level of
harvesting, John is also a Tree Farm Inspector and served a term as our District 1 Chair. He is
truly an ambassador for our program and an asset to stewardship in this area.
When it came time for the nominating Forester, Doug Bradetich, to log his own place he simply said
“My first choice was John”.
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Forest Health Issues – What a Difference a Year Makes…
Tom Eckberg, Idaho Dept of Lands Entomologist
The last several years have been drier than average and forest insects, especially bark beetles,
are able to take advantage of drought stressed trees. Pine engraver (Ips pini) is especially adept
at causing mortality in dense, overstocked stands of lodgepole and ponderosa pines; and fir
engraver (Scolytus ventralis) kills grand fir of all sizes during droughts. Idaho Department of
Lands (IDL) Forest Health personnel responded to 20 bark beetle/drought requests for assistance
coming in from January-April 2016, mostly for pine engraver and fir engraver compared to five this
year. Drought puts trees into stress and lowers their ability to defend against bark beetles. Pitch
is the tree’s defense, and water is necessary to make pitch and move it to the beetle galleries to
try and push them out. When sufficient water is not available, especially when trees are growing on
marginal sites or in overstocked stands, bark beetle mortality is very common. So far in 2017, the
Coeur d’Alene area has five inches (50%) more precipitation than normal. This is very good news for
trees, not so good for bark beetles. As we know, weather can change and pretty soon northern Idaho
will be experiencing our normal dry summers. This means that we still have to follow best
management practices for bark beetles. Proper density management of stands is the best prevention
strategy. Also remember that the best time to harvest or thin pines is during the
mid-July to November time frame. Creating pine slash so it is available to pine engraver in the
spring is inviting trouble. Even though the threat is diminished when there is ample moisture,
mortality in nearby stands is still possible. Slash that is generated in the winter or spring
should be treated by burning (when safe), chipping or masticating, dozed trampling or large piles.
Consult US Forest Service or IDL management publications for more information on pine engraver
NOTE: If you desire more information on bark beetles, Extension Forestry is offering a field day
on June 30 in Coeur d’Alene. See the Extension Forestry calendar article on the next page.
Page 4 of 8 Idaho Tree Farm Program Forestry for Southern Idaho –
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Lucky Peak Nursery – 15169 East Highway 21, Boise, ID
We began partnering in a forest field day specifically targeted at the southern end of our state a
few years ago and it has become very popular with many of our members. This year the tour will be
in the Boise area beginning at Lucky Peak Nursery. It will start with a coffee social hosted by our
ID Tree Farm Program. Topics for discussion will include Forest Practices updates, the EQIP
program, and current forest health issues.
The group will tour Lucky Peak Nursery then board a bus for several stops on the Walker and
Baumhoff family properties. Items to view will include sediment control structures, tree planting,
results of a thinning and subsequent harvest in one of the Baumhoff stands, and rehabilitation
after the Pioneer Fire of 2016.
Here is an excerpt from the informational flyer:
“Whether you have 5 acres or 2,000 acres, this tour will give you a look at different management
practices implemented by family forest landowners. This program will allow participants to interact
with landowners, loggers and natural resource professionals through discussion focusing on managing
forest lands and applying various stewardship practices at each stop. The program will be
instructed by John Lillehaug & Tim Kennedy, Idaho Department of Lands Private Forestry Specialists,
Tom Eckberg, IDL Forest Health Specialist, and Forest Landowners/managers at each respective stop.”
USFS Lucky Peak Tree Nursery, Boise, ID Wednesday, May 17, 2015 (8:30 am to 5:00 pm) Meet at Lucky
Peak Tree Nursery15169 E Hwy 21 Boise, Idaho 83716
22 miles South of Idaho City on Hwy
12 miles north from I-84 Gowan Road on Hwy 21
. – Bus will be provided for tour
Please bring a sack lunch and dress for field and weather conditions.
For program questions contact Tim Kennedy at 208-334-3488 or email tkennedy@idl.idaho.gov
Upcoming Events on the Extension Forestry Calendar
The University of Idaho Extension Forestry Program does a wonderful job providing classes and
training for landowners. Here are some upcoming events for May & June:
Natural Resource Planning for Rural Landowners:
Creating Your Own Forest Plan– May 11 and 18, 2017 in Orofino Firewise Principles and Practices –
May 18, 2017 in Moscow Bark Beetle Field Day – July 30, 2017 in Coeur d’Alene
For a complete list of events log onto http://www.uidaho.edu/extension/forestry or contact:
Chris Schnepf (208)-446-1680 Bill Warren (208-476-4434)
Randy Brooks (208)-885-7718
(Coeur d’Alene) (Orofino)
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Idaho Tree Farm Program – Member Outreach Efforts
Over the past year, we have worked to increase outreach to our Idaho Tree Farmers. One of the
simplest ways to do this is to ensure Tree Farmers are being visited and inspected every 6 years.
We know that some of you are past due for this and our committee is working to bring the
inspections more current. To help facilitate it we have begun sending out postcards to individuals
currently listed in the program but showing as due for a field visit. Some of you may have
received one of these in the mail already. The postcards are being sent out in groups starting with
the members most overdue for inspection and working towards those most current.
The postcards ask three simple questions: Do you wish to be in the Tree Farm Program? Would you
like to schedule a field visit from an Inspector?, and Do you have a management plan to the current
This will allow us to stay in contact with active members and help keep our database up to date,
which will also aid in subsequent program audits by our national office. If you happen to receive
one of these, please take a moment to fill it out and return it to our State Administrator for
We have also worked to partner in more field tours, workshops and socials in order to better serve
our members and keep you engaged. If you have any other ideas regarding outreach efforts, please
let us know!
Idaho Forest Owners Association / Forest Seedling Program
2017 proved to be a banner year for delivery of forest seedlings to the four Northern Soil and
Water Conservation Districts. A total 193,000 seedlings were distributed this April.
All the seedlings are currently grown out in 8 or 15 cubic inch plugs, discontinuing the use of 5
cubic inch plugs. The larger are proving to be more vigorous.
This is the fourth year the IFOA/FSP has been distributing seedlings since assuming management from
the RC&D Program. Their first delivery was around 80,000 seedlings to the current delivery of
193,000 and continues to grow! The Program has a target of 236,000 seedlings for the 2018 grow-out
NOTE: Please order NOW for your 20018 and/or 2019 seedling delivery. These orders are processed on
a first come/first serve basis. Please contact your Soil & Water Conservation District for order
Benewah SWCD – 208-686-1699, ext 109 or email leann.daman@id.usda.net Bonner SWCD – 208-263-5310,
ext 100 or email amanda.abajian@id.nacdnet.net Boundary SCD – 208-267-3340, ext 107 or email
cassie.olson@id.nacdnet.net Kootenai-Shoshone SWCD – 208-762-4939, ext 101 or email
Wood Family advances to Regional Level
The national ATFS office recently announced our 2016 ID Outstanding Tree Farmers of the year, the
Wood Family Tree Farms, are one of the finalists for the Regional Outstanding Tree Farmer of the
Year award. This is exciting news for them and our state as well. We wish them the best as the
process goes along. As those who attended the Fall Tour last year can attest, they are very
deserving of this honor.
Page 6 of 8 Idaho Tree Farm Program
Idaho Forestry Day at the Legislature
Shortly after the opening of each legislative session, particular days are set aside to highlight
the various sectors of business throughout the state. Our Idaho Tree Farm Program routinely takes
part in the day set aside to showcase forestry issues to our lawmakers. It is a great way to
reinforce what we do to the returning senators and representatives, as well as introduce our issues
to those new to the offices. This year Forestry Day at the Legislature luncheon was held January
31st in Boise, and was hosted by Society of American Foresters, Idaho Chapters. The featured
speaker was University of Idaho wood technology professor Dr. Tom Gorman, Ph.D., P.E., who
presented on innovations in wood products, and the potential for cross-laminated timber. The
luncheon was very well attended by legislators and members from forestry and paper product
ITFC’s John Lillehaug, Tim Kennedy and Savannah Miller attended and hosted a display at the event.
Next year’s FDAL Luncheon is scheduled for January 24th, 2018 in Boise.
Thanks Tim, Savannah and John for staffing again this year! (l-r) Inspector Tim
Kennedy, State Administrator
Savannah Miller, and District 3 Chair John Lillehaug at the Idaho Tree Farm Booth
Idaho State Forestry Contest – May 11, 2017 – ( 35th Anniversary!!)
Delay Family Tree Farm, Careywood, ID
One of the most anticipated events each spring is the Idaho State Forestry Contest. Each year since
1983 students, coaches and volunteers from all over the state gather at the Delay Family Tree Farm
in Careywood, ID as teams compete in 10 areas of forest management: 1) log scaling, 2) timber
cruising, 3) tree identification and tree planting, 4) map reading, 5) compass and pacing, 6) tool
identification, 7) soils and water quality, 8) tree health, 9) silviculture and 10) noxious weeds.
The contest has grown tremendously over the last 35 years and currently several hundred students
from 2nd grade through high school compete in Novice, Rookie, Junior and Senior divisions. The day
ends with a BBQ lunch and awards ceremony. This year appears to be on course to break all
attendance records. The staff indicates they are planning to feed as many as 900 people at the
As you would think this much participation calls for a great deal of planning and volunteer help.
It is a very enjoyable day out in the fresh air with a bunch of eager students. Anyone wishing to
help out – whether you are an old hand in the woods or just getting started – can most likely be
put to good use.
For more info call Karen Robinson at ID Dept of Lands, Sandpoint ph 263-5104 or
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Events to Highlight
May 11, 2017 – Idaho State Forestry Contest, Delay Farms, Careywood, ID
July 20, 2016 – Idaho Tree Farm Committee Meeting, CDA, ID
Sept 9, 2017 – Idaho Tree Farm Program Fall Tour, Wizard Tree Farm, Rathdrum, ID
Stay Informed…..
In case you are ever wondering what is going on at the committee level, our Minutes are now being
posted on the Idaho Tree Farm Program website. Just log onto our website for Minutes of previous
sessions, contact information, upcoming events, and other news of note to help you in your Tree
Farm endeavors.
We’re on the Web!
Learn more at:
About Our Organization…
The purpose of the Idaho Tree Farm Program is to promote better forest management among
nonindustrial forest owners. The vehicle for achieving this aim is the American Tree Farm System®
(ATFS), sponsored nationally by the American Forest Foundation (AFF), state wide by the Idaho SFI
State Implementation Committee (SFI SIC), and administered by the Idaho Tree Farm Committee (State
Welcome New Members!
The Idaho Tree Farm Committee extends a special welcome to the 36 newest Idaho Tree Farm Program’s
certified members. Thank you to the District Chairs and Inspecting Foresters for promotin
membership in the Idaho Tree Farm Program through the American Tree Farm System®.
As a current member, and a steward of the land, we appreciate your current support of the program
and your management of the forestland for pride and pleasure. Thank you for your continued
commitment to protecting watersheds and wildlife habitat, conserving soil and, at the same time,
producing the wood America needs and uses.
Tree Farm Member Acreage County Inspecting
Stanch Tree Farm 55 Kootenai Tim
Wurster Tree Farm 10 Kootenai Tim
Dunn Trust Tree Farm 42 Kootenai Tim
Maryann Denning 27 Bonner Tim
Charles Gordon 19 Bonner
Tim Kyllo
John Mott 350 Kootenai
Dennis Parent
Carl Dunn 18 Kootenai
Tim Kyllo
Henning and Patricia Otto 19 Bonner Tim Kyllo Fitzpatrick
Lakeview Powerline 1 22 Bonner Tim Kyllo Fitzpatrick Lakeview
Powerline 2 72 Bonner Tim Kyllo Fitzpatrick Lakeview Powerline 3
12 Bonner Tim Kyllo John Montandon
285 Kootenai Tim Kyllo
Dale Lunderse 1110 Nez Perce
Clark Christiansen
Josh Spencer 22 Bonner
Tim Kyllo
Passer Living Trust 29 Kootenai
Tim Kyllo
Jaime and Susan Gordan 40 Bonner Tim
Ahren and Lori Spilker 18 Boundary Tim
Michael and Jacinta Rutledge 16 Kootenai Tim Kyllo
Cynthia Foot-Struble 10 Bonner Tim
Tom and Charlene Polek 22 Latah
Robert Barkley
Gary Van Stone 141 Bonner
Tim Kyllo
Van Stone Oden Tree Farm 18 Bonner Tim Kyllo Gary
Van Stone Meryle Tree Farm 21 Bonner Tim Kyllo Dale Van Stone
13 Bonner Tim Kyllo Gary Van Stone
Brown Tree Farm 141 Bonner Tim Kyllo
Linden Timberlands, LLC 35 Latah
Robert Barkley
Larry Williams 40 Boundary
Andy Eckberg
Anna Marie Fels 21 Bonner
Tim Kyllo
Mickey Leiding 10 Kootenai
Erin Bradetich
Mike Fritzsche 48 Bonner
Russ Hegedus
Leland Spindler 72 Bonner
Tim Kyllo
Page 8 of 8 Idaho Tree Farm Program
Welcome New Members (Continued from Page 6)
Tree Farm Member Acreage County Inspecting
Glen Rolofson 80 Bonner
Tim Kyllo
Christian Fultz 20 Bonner
Doug Bradetich
Jory Gulman 14 Bonner
Tim Kyllo
Paul Tallman 74 Bonner
Russ Hegedus
Doug and Lisa Gadwa 40 Latah
Robbie Easley
Congratulations once again to Kurt and Sandy Koetter 2017 Idaho Outstanding Tree Farmers of the
Make Plans to attend the Fall Tour on September 9th
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