Newsletter Fall 2015

Fall 2015 Idaho Tree Farm Program
204 E. Sherman Ave. • Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814 • (T) 208.667.4641 • (F) 208.664.0557 •
ID Tree Farm Program Fall Tour 2015

• Chair – Steve Funk
Edge Creek Tree Farm (T) 208.661.0644

• Vice Chair – Russ Hegedus
Idaho Forest Group (T) 208.255.3250

• Treasurer – Steve Cuvala
Idaho Dept. of Lands (T) 208.245.4551
• Administrator – Savannah Miller
ID Tree Farm Program (T) 208.667.4641
District Chairs:

• District 1 Chair – Andy Eckberg Idaho Forest Group (T) 208.255.3276
• District 2 Chair – Robert Barkley Idaho Dept of Lands (T) 208.877.1121
• District 3 Chair – John Lillehaug
All About Forestry (T) 208.630.4076

Baumhoff & Co. LLC in Centerville, ID
“Looking to the Future…”
It’s been said you don’t plant trees in this part of the world for yourself; you’re planting them
for your grandchildren. How true, and what a statement that makes about your land stewardship
For those able to attend the Fall Tour of the Baumhoff Family Tree Farm this past September, you
were able to see that ethic in action. Much of their land along the riparian areas had seen
extensive placer mining during the mid 1900’s and it has been a lifetime commitment of Oscar
Baumhoff to get it back into active timber production. The focus on this restoration was the driver
behind our choosing them for Outstanding Tree Farmer of the year. At first glance most sites seem
much too rocky and harsh for planting but in Oscar’s words, “The soil is there, but now it’s under
the rocks not over them”. Sure enough, an inspection of the overturned cobble found plantings of
pine, black cottonwood and willow taking hold and doing quite well. Placement of drop structures
and large woody debris in the streams are providing excellent habitat for water fowl and fish.
Also, their restoration activities don’t stop at the stream sides. On the remainder of the 3,200
acres, most of which is in timber production, the family has undertaken precommercial thinnings,
extensive replanting programs, and regular commercial harvests. In addition, they are actively
involved with hosting several community events and woods tours each year.
We had a great turnout for this event, with nearly 60 folks in total and a quarter of them coming
all the way from the northern Idaho region. Many of Oscar’s family members regularly take part in
the work on the Tree Farm and several of them were in attendance to help with the tour as well. The
group was treated to some breakfast goodies (the homemade cinnamon rolls were fantastic) and a fine
lunch catered by Trudy’s Café from Idaho City. Ducks Unlimited put on a slide show on all the
progress Oscar and his family have been able to accomplish with stream restoration.

It was great to see another aspect of forest habitat type as compared to northern Idaho. The
Baumhoff’s have done an excellent job restoring both the riparian areas and the forested land!
ID Tree Farm Chairman Steve Funk and District 3 Chair John Lillehaug present Oscar Baumhoff his
Idaho Outstanding Tree Farmer of the sign during the Fall Tour.

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Fall 2015 Forest Health Issues
Tom Eckberg, Idaho Department of Lands Entomologist

Considering both the harsh, dry weather conditions this past summer and the significant wildfire
events, we asked IDL entomologist, Tom Eckberg for his thoughts on possible items Tree Farmers
should watch for. Here are his observations:
Pine Engraver

2015 was a difficult year to be a tree in northern Idaho. The usual assortment of insects and
diseases were present, but the combination of a dry spring and summer with high temperatures
contributed to an increase in certain bark beetle activity. The active fire season (at least north
of McCall) will also potentially contribute to increased bark beetle and wood borer activity in
impacted areas next year.
The Idaho Department of Lands has responded to an abnormally large number of landowner requests for
assistance for pine engraver (Ips pini) in northern Idaho. Pine engraver is a native bark beetle
that causes most mortality in ponderosa and lodgepole pine. Most problems are associated with
logging activity that generates slash, or wind events that create blowdown. Overwintering
populations infest slash or downed trees in the spring and the summer generation will attack live,
standing trees in July and August. This beetle thrives in hot weather, where drought and high
temperatures stress living trees, making them more susceptible to damage. Outbreaks do not usually
carry over to the next year; the availability of green slash in the spring usually determines where
outbreaks occur. The overwintering generation does not typically attack standing trees in the
spring, but has been known to during periods of drought.
The best way to avoid pine engraver mortality is to conduct management activity in pines (harvest
and thinning) between the months of July through December. Doing so allows the slash to dry and
become unsuitable for the overwintering generation. There is always the temptation to harvest low
elevation pines during the winter because of ease of access. While not recommended, this practice
is often done successfully if certain precautions are taken to treat the slash. Techniques used
include creating large slash piles, creating a continuous supply of slash to contain the beetles
(green chain), lopping and scattering the slash, chipping or burning the piles as they are
generated. In a year with normal precipitation these techniques are often successful. With the dry
2014-2015 season, and another predicted this winter, careful thought should be given before
deciding to log or thin pines in the winter. Consult the IDL Forester Forum or the US Forest
Service Management Guide for more information.

Full links (Forester Forum) (Mgt Guide)

Western Spruce Budworm
Western spruce budworm (WSBW) is a native defoliator of Douglas-fir, grand fir, subalpine fir,
Engelmann spruce and western larch. In northern Idaho (north of the Salmon River), large outbreaks
are not common, the most recent one occurring between 2007 and 2012. At its peak, defoliation
reached over 650,000 acres. In 2015 defoliation in northern Idaho was approximately 11,000 acres.
In southern Idaho, large, chronic outbreaks are normal and have been recorded since the 1950’s.
Peak defoliation of over 3,000,000 acres occurred in the late 1980’s. Late spring freezes and other
weather events can severely impact populations. Spring freezes in 1986, 1987, and 2012 are credited
with causing the collapse of outbreaks. Defoliation in 2015 is expected to be over 1,000,000 acres,
after two years of relatively low numbers. The recent drought may have been responsible for some of
this increase. Long term defoliation by WSBW can kill understory trees and weaken larger trees
making them susceptible to bark beetle attack.

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(continued from page two)

Miscellaneous Insects

In 2015 there have been reports of unusual damage on Douglas-fir from two secondary insect pests.
The Cooley spruce gall adelgid is a common incidental pest of spruce and Douglas-fir. On spruce it
causes showy galls that look like cones. On Douglas-fir the damage is minor, sometimes causing
minor twisting and discoloration of the new needles. This insect will not kill either host, but
mainly causes aesthetic injury. A plantation near Emida was visited in July where most Douglas-fir
regeneration was affected, with yellow feeding injury visible on the new growth. Long term effect
on the stand was not expected.
Another less common insect, the Douglas-fir needle midge is causing widespread damage on new growth
of Douglas-fir throughout northern Idaho. This insect is a small fly that lays eggs on developing
needles, and the larvae feed inside. The damaged needles look like they are infected by Rhabdocline
needle disease. The difference is in the timing. Rhabdocline is usually most noticeable on the
previous year’s needles in the springtime. Douglas-fir needle midge is most visible on the current
year’s needles in the fall. While there have been outbreaks in the past in this area, serious
damage is not expected. There may be defoliation apparent next spring.

US Forest Service Field Guide:
Douglas-fir needle midge damage on DF, CDA ID, 11/4/2015

Typical pine engraver mortality in dense lodgepole pine, Rathdrum ID, 11/3/2015
Changes in Idaho District 2
We are currently on the lookout for a Chair for Idaho Tree Farm District 2. IDL Forester Robert
Barkley has done an excellent job filling that position for us for a quite a while now, but after
14 years as District Chair he will be stepping down at the end of this year. We are sad to lose him
in that capacity, but we want to thank him very much for his years of service to the Tree Farm
Program and wish him the best as he continues with us as an Inspector. In the meantime we need to
fill this position and would like to hear from anyone interested. If you are or know of an
Inspector that would make a good candidate for us to contact for the area from Latah County south
to Idaho County, please let us know.
The main duties as District Chair are keeping track of inspection needs in your area, review &
approval of the inspection forms as they are turned in, and attendance at our quarterly committee
meetings. If you have a suggestion for this office, contact us at (208)-667-4641 or email
Thanks again Robert for all your hours of hard work and service!

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Idaho Forest Owners Association Seedling Program (FSP) Update
(Steve Funk, Idaho Tree Farm Committee Chair)
The 2016 season will have approximately 150,000 seedlings to be delivered April 4. Currently,
107,000 seedlings are sold. These are purchased through the Soil and Water Conservation Districts
(SWCD’s) of the Idaho Panhandle.

The five species of conifers available each season are ponderosa pine, western white pine, western
larch, lodgepole pine and Douglas-fir. Some of these species sell out fast, so please consider
making orders with your District for seedlings in May to receive them the following season.

The four districts are:
Boundary SCD, Bonners Ferry Bonner SWCD, Sandpoint
Kootenai-Shoshone SWCD, Coeur d’Alene Benewah SWCD, Plummer

Orders will continue to be taken until the 2016 seedlings run-out or until March 21st, 2016,
whichever comes first. Then delivery will occur the first week of April.

The SWCD’s have ordered approximately 170,000 seedlings to be delivered in April of 2017. We hope
to be one of the many resources for landowners undertaking fire restoration projects.

IFOA FSP Program Assistant, Nina Ekberg, will be leaving at the end of the year. She is not going
away, just focusing on family. She says she will still be a volunteer with this project as it is
near and dear to her heart. IFOA/FSP wishes her the best for the future and a big “THANK YOU” for
her passion and commitment to the Forest Seedling Program!

Also, IFOA/FSP is pleased to announce that Julie Kincheloe (Heirloom Forestry) will be assuming the
duties of the Program Assistant starting in 2016.

Okay now, think about your seedling requirements. There are still some seedlings available for
2016, but they are going fast! So, plan ahead for 2017 to be assured of the species and the amount
of seedlings to fill your reforestation needs.

Upcoming Events on the Extension Forestry Calendar
Are you looking to increase your knowledge base and skill set on your Tree Farm? The U of I
Extension Forestry Program has a slate of classes, tours, and workshops for you to consider. Their
“Strengthening Forest Stewardship Skills: 2015-2016” calendar of events is out and it looks like
some great programs for you again this year. The folks at Extension Forestry always strive to offer
the most useful and timely topics possible.

There are over two dozen items on the calendar and it looks like there is something for everyone
with an interest in forestry. The list includes sessions on landscaping for fire prevention, rural
land purchasing, forestland grazing, stream restoration and current topics in forest health.
Workshops are planned for such things as pruning to restore white pine, setting up a thinning,
growing forest mushrooms, and controlling noxious weeds. In addition there is information on
several field days and conferences you may be interested in.

For a complete list of events log onto or contact:
Chris Schnepf (208)-446-1680 Bill Warren (208-476-4434)
Randy Brooks (208)-885-7718 (Coeur d’Alene)
(Orofino) (Moscow)

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Wildfires, Family Forests, and Ensuring a Continued Clean Water Supply
(The following is an editorial by American Forest Foundation President & CEO, Tom Martin, printed
in “Roll Call”)

It was a challenging year for the West. Temperatures were higher than normal. The region
experienced the fourth year of a drought. Record low snowpacks resulted in low reservoir storages
levels from Oregon to Arizona. States such as California set water restrictions and asked residents
to consume 25 percent less water.
On top of this, the West experienced one of the worse wildfire seasons in history. More than 9.1
million acres burned due to wildfire, a level reached only four times on record. These forest fires
only highlighted the importance of water for westerners.
Yet people are not seeing that these two stories are linked.
If we are to protect the limited water supply for westerners, we must protect the forests that
support clean water from being decimated by wildfire.
What most people don’t realize is forests play an intimate role with clean water. Forests act as a
natural water filter and storage system, keeping water clear, regulating streamflow and reducing
Though only 31 percent of the West is forested, 65 percent of the public water supply comes from
forests. In fact, nearly 64 million westerners get their clean drinking supply from surface water
that comes from these forests, whether they are publicly or privately owned.
While policy makers cannot fix the drought, they can help ensure the limited water we have is clean
by prioritizing protecting our forests and forested watersheds.
A new report from the American Forest Foundation unveiled an opportunity to do just that. It shows
that, contrary to popular thinking, 40 percent, or 13.5 million acres, of the forests and other
lands in important watersheds that are at a high risk of catastrophic wildfire across the West are
private and family-owned.
The report also found these landowners want to do the right thing. Citing polling data from Public
Opinion Strategies, it found family landowners are motivated to take action to reduce the threat of
wildfire and help protect clean water. However, what prevents most from doing so is the high cost
of implementing management actions.
Thankfully, there are near-term solutions that Congress can implement to support these landowners
and thereby reduce wildfire risk.
First, we need Congress to fix how it pays for firefighting. The cost to fight wildfires continues
to grow. As of September, the bill exceeded $1 billion for this year.
Under the current structure, the U.S. Forest Service and the Department of the Interior are forced
to fund their firefighting program at the expense of others, many of which are designed to get
ahead of the wildfire problem. Even with this, firefighting budgets are still not usually enough.
Therefore, the agencies must go back and borrow funds from these same programs to pay the
firefighting bill.
To avoid this vicious cycle, Congress should treat wildfire fighting the same way it treats other
disaster funding, especially for the extremely large and costly fires that need the most support.
Second, our policy makers need to find opportunities to stimulate forest restoration across
boundaries that incorporate private and family lands into the mix. Currently, authorities and
programs exist for collaborative efforts to reduce wildfire risk. But, most are implemented across
public lands (federal and state), and do not often include private lands. With forest ownership
resembling a patchwork in West, conducting forest restoration across an entire region will help
raise the resilience of the entire forest.
Lastly, it is important to recognize there will never be enough public funding available to solve
the entire wildfire problem. Instead, we must find ways to create markets that help landowners earn
the necessary income that reduces the costs of wildfire mitigation and forest restoration, thus
making ongoing healthy forest management efforts both ecological and economical.
If Congress implements these recommendations, we will address two serious issues in the West:
reducing wildfire risk on private and family lands and protecting the limited clean water supply.
Tom Martin is president and CEO of the American Forest Foundation

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Events to Highlight

Jan 21, 2016 – Idaho Tree Farm Committee Meeting, CDA, ID

Feb 10-12, 2016 – National Leadership Conference, Seattle, WA

March 27-29, 2016 – Family Forest Landowners & Managers Conference and Exposition, Moscow, ID

March 28, 2016 – Idaho Tree Farm Program Annual meeting, Moscow, ID
Stay Informed…..
In case you are ever wondering what is going on at the committee level, our Minutes are now being
posted on the Idaho Tree Farm Program website. Just log onto our website for Minutes of previous
sessions, contact information, upcoming events, and other news of note to help you in your Tree
Farm endeavors.
We’re on the Web!
Learn more at:

About Our Organization…
The purpose of the Idaho Tree Farm Program is to promote better forest management among
nonindustrial forest owners. The vehicle for achieving this aim is the American Tree Farm System®
(ATFS), sponsored nationally by the American Forest Foundation (AFF), state wide by the Idaho SFI
State Implementation Committee (SFI SIC), and administered by the Idaho Tree Farm Committee (State

Welcome New Members!
The Idaho Tree Farm Committee extends a special welcome to the 26 newest Idaho Tree Farm Program’s
certified members of 2015. Thank you to the District Chairs and Inspecting Foresters for promoting
membership in the Idaho Tree Farm Program through the American Tree Farm System®.

As a current member, and a steward of the land, we appreciate your current support of the program
and your management of the forestland for pride and pleasure. Thank you for your continued
commitment to protecting watersheds and wildlife habitat, conserving soil and, at the same time,
producing the wood America needs and uses.

Tree Farm Member Acreage County
Inspecting Forester
Bollacker Trust 113
Bonner Russ Hegedus
Sherry Otto 11
Idaho Robert Barkley
Kenneth Bowey 39
Latah Robert Barkley
Hickman Family Trust 160
Kootenai Mike Wolcott
Gary Faire 101
Kootenai Tim Kyllo
Donald Blaise 43
Bonner Tim Kyllo
Mike Paul 117
Kootenai Tim Kyllo
Stacey Rucker 10
Bonner Tim Kyllo
Shawn Rucker 10
Bonner Tim Kyllo
Steve Rucker 38
Bonner Tim Kyllo
Rucker Living Trust 16
Bonner Tim Kyllo
Mark Greene 10
Bonner Tim Kyllo
Lloyd Potter 14
Bonner Tim Kyllo Wally and Dawn Pfeiffer Joint Living Trust 32
Kootenai Tim Kyllo Scott Rucker
21 Bonner Tim Kyllo
Terry and Greta Johnson 30 Bonner
Tim Kyllo
Ron Wood 25
Kootenai Tim Kyllo
Hamilton Tree Farm 144 Bonner
Tim Kyllo
Sherman Rucker 40
Bonner Tim Kyllo
Ralph and Judith Scott Family Trust 73 Kootenai
Tim Kyllo
Barton Hayes 68
Kootenai Tim Kyllo
Jeff Gibbs 19
Bonner Tim Kyllo
William Stratford 10
Kootenai Tim Kyllo
Renfrow Family LLC 16 Bonner
Tim Kyllo
Fisher Ag. LLC Tree Farm 69 Bonner
Tim Kyllo
Carey Tree Farm 18
Bonner Tim Kyllo
Congratulations to our Tree Farm Committee State Administrator, Savannah Miller, and her new

Leo Samuel Miller was born Sunday, Oct 25th at 12:09 a.m. Weighing 7.05 lbs and 19 1/4 inches long.

Both he and his proud parents are doing well and we wish them all the best!

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