ITFC Meeting Minutes January 2015

Idaho Tree Farm Committee Meeting
9:00 – 12:00, Thursday, January 15, 2015
Coeur d’Alene Fire Dept, Station 3 Meeting Room
Location: 15th Avenue and I90


1) Call to Order
ITFC Chair Steve Funk called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM. Those present were:
Robert Barkley, IDL
Susie Jude: Proxy for Gina Davis, IDL
Amanda Cutting, ITFC/ R&A
Doug Bradetich, IFG
Kurt Koetter, Tree Farmer
Ray Getchius, ITFC
Steve Bloedel, IFM
Andy Eckberg, IFG
Steve Funk, ITFC
Russ Hegedus, IFG
John Lillehaug, IDL
Steve Cuvala, IDL
Frank Gariglio, NRCS
G. Kirk David, ITFC
Madeline David, ITFC
Rob Keefe, U of I
2) Anti-Trust Statement
Chair Funk reviewed the policy statement in compliance with anti-trust laws.
3) Minutes of October Meeting
The minutes of the October 16th, 2014 meeting of the ITFC were approved. Robert Barkley moved, John Lillehaug seconded. Motion to approve October 2014 minutes unanimously passed.
4) 2014 Treasurer’s Report / Budget Review
a. Treasurer Steve Cuvala reviewed the 2014 ITFP finances and the status of ITFP. Stayed within the budget and stayed underneath budget for the NLC, which was primarily funded by grant money. Started 2014 with $4,856.35. Past Chair Bradetich and Treasurer Steve Cuvala reviewed the past 2014 budget and 2015 budget.
b. Madeline David moved, Robert Barkley seconded, to approve the past 2014 budget overview. Motion passed.
c. Past Chair Bradetich moved for the passing of 2015 budget, Robert Barkley seconded. Motion passed.
5) Discussion/Vote on 2015 Budget
Check coming from national soon, $9000. $500 extra for travel expenses. Need to know how many brochures to send out and or download to websites. Past Chair Bradetich and Chair Funk suggested that Idaho Tree Farm needs to get their own laptop computer, potentially a PA system for field days and other events, and a projector. John Lillehaug requested a case to carry display boards as well. Chair Funk suggested a $1500 budget for Program supplies/equipment. Madeline David said that sometimes Microsoft donates software to non-profits. Something to look into.
Motion amended. Russ Hegedus moved, Andy Eckberg seconded. Motion passed.
6) Strategic Plan Updates
a. Communications Subcommittee Report – Madeline David
We need to start being more involved with Constant Contact. We should make an inspectors list and utilize Constant Contact to notify them. ATFS, has been using our Newsletters as examples to other TF committees. Madeline David made point to tell our auditors at ATFS that the national brochure does not portray the concise TF purpose and is aimed towards a younger generation that the current TF demographic. After 2018 audits will cost us up to $7,000 per year (Up to 700 tree farms at $10 each). Need to construct a creative way to pay for this. Robert Barkley suggested that we compose a message/survey to all Idaho Tree Farms for certification. Take a vote at the state meeting, and/or Madeline David suggested putting a ballot in the Spring Newsletter, Constant Contact, or poll at the state meeting.
b. Inspector Training and Recognition Subcommittee Report – Kirk David
In the handouts today, information on inspector recognition. Award for Tree Farmer of the Year. Inspector of the Year gets a cruiser’s vest with the TF logo on the front. Inspectors that have done 5 or more inspections in a calendar year will receive a thermos (Need to verify the price.) or Cabelas gift card. One inspection completed within the last year, inspector will receive a TF hat or shirt.
Inspector training: AFF new standards: All new TF inspectors will have to go through more training. Any current inspector will have to complete an hour long internet training webinar. There will be seven questions to answer per segment, and the inspector will need to answer five of the questions right to pass to the next segment.
c. Certification Subcommittee Report – Steve Funk
With the upcoming audit taking most of our time the rest of this year, Chairman Funk had nothing further to add to this subcommittee at this time.
7) 2015 Outstanding Tree Farmer, Inspector and Logger of the Year Selection
Past Chair Bradetich:
a. Oscar Baumhoff – Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year
b. Tim Fuller – Outstanding Tree Farm Logger of the Year
c. Diane Partridge – Outstanding Tree Farm Inspector of the Year
Past Chair Bradetich moved, Robert Barkley seconded. Motion passed.
8) 2015 Program Audit – Recap Opening Meeting Results
Bradetich: 2 auditors, 24 sites to see. These sites include:
Bonner County
Gabrielsen – TF# 1846J
Magnusson – TF# 2748
Smith – TF# 3034
Watkins – TF#3425
Wood – TF# 3378
Boundary County
Atkins – TF#3396
Eby – TF# 2429
Farnsworth – TF#2127
McClintock – TF# 2659
Clearwater County
Crockett – TF# 2977
Hanes – TF# 2517

Kootenai County
Akers – TF# 3027
Koetter – TF# 2999
Schumacher – TF# 3426
Latah County
Bafus – TF# 1078
Harrison – TF# 826
Hatley – TF# 3116
McKetta – TF#2906
Norton – TF# 2299
Lewis County
Broker – TF# 3314
Riggers – TF# 3218
Woodruff – TF# 2312
Nez Perce County
Pomp – TF# 3110
Sheldon – TF# 3099
Collect management plans for all 24 sites. All inspectors make sure that the plan matches up to the previous standards. Reviewed the audit meeting, all positive feedback from the auditors in regards to Idaho’s program.
9) 2014 Required / Optional Inspections
Bradetich: All required 2014 004’s were completed and about 2/3 of the optionals were completed. Kirk: Let’s make more of an effort to assign an inspector to the optionals.
10) Idaho Lands Resource Coordinating Council
11) 2015 ITFC Task & Event Schedule review / meeting dates & locations
Madeline David: Distributed 2015 TF Leadership Handbook, committee members, please review calendar and input events as needed and email to back to Madeline.
Past Chair Bradetich: Please review the website for any updates.
12) Other Business
Bradetich: NLC – The Funks and David’s will attend. Past Chair Bradetich will attend the SFI SIC Meeting at the Forester’s Forum. Proposed discussion and/or changes to by- laws.
Chair Funk adjourned the meeting at 11:05 a.m.
Submitted by Amanda Cutting, ITFP Administrator

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