Idaho Tree Farm Committee Minutes-January 18, 2018

Idaho Tree Farm Program

Idaho Tree Farm Committee Meeting

9:30am-12:00pm, Thursday, January 18, 2018

Fire District #3, Kootenai County

1500 North 15th St. -Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814


1. Call to Order
President Russ Hegedus called the meeting to order at 9:27 a.m. Those present for all or part of the meeting were:
Russ Hegedus, ITFC President
Sean Hammond, ITFC Vice President, Tree Farmer
Doug Bradetich, IFG
Erin Bradetich, ITFC Communications Chair/IFG
Andy Eckberg, ITFC District 1 Chair/IFG
Jane Thornes, PLT
Jim Thornes, Tree Farmer
Steven Cuvala, ITFC Treasurer/Tree Farmer
Tim Schaffer, ITFC District 2 Chair/BLP
Steve Funk, ITFC Past Chair/Tree Farmer
Janet Funk, Tree Farmer/ILRCC
Chris Schnepf, ITFC/U of I Extension
Kurt Koetter, Tree Farmer of the Year
Dan Myers, Tree Farmer
Colleen Meek, ITF Administrator
John Lillenhaug, ITFC District 3 Chair/IDL
Owen Retzlaff/I.E.P
Mary Fritz/IDL
Tom Bollacker, Tree Farmer

2. Anti-Trust Statement
Russ Hegedus reviewed the Anti-Trust Statement with the Committee.

3. Review of 2017 Treasurer’s Report
Steve Cuvala gave the Treasurer’s Report Program Funding year to date ($565.02) and Doug Bradetich reviewed the 2017 Budget against actual income and expenditures as of December 31, 2017. All expenses are in line, Cash balance is currently $28,097.66 in the positive. Steve Cuvala was wondering what was the difference between Host Gator, Godwin (our maintenance for website) and Go Daddy. Approval of Q4 2017 Treasurer Report John Lillehaug approved and Doug Bradetich seconded. Motion carried Unanimously.
Treasurer Report as of January 16, 2018 balance $26,784.00. John Lillehaug moved and Doug Bradetich seconded to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. The motion carried unanimously.

4. Old Business:
Janet Funk will represent IDTFC at the UI Nursery for landowner seedling needs. U of I Seedling would like a 20-minute presentation, since they have not heard of or knew what Idaho Tree Farm Program is. Janet has provided them some information to the UI Nursery Committee and read through it with the ITFC. Russ Hegedus volunteered to give a presentation, since research is vital to Idaho Tree Farm.
A few general observations discussed were: There’s various outlets for seedlings. It’s a person choice where they would like to get their seedlings. Larch seedlings are the hardest to get.

5. New Business:
a. Communications Report
Communications Chair Erin Bradetich updated the Committee on communication efforts with Tree Farmers. Erin Bradetich currently working on the next newsletter for distribution. There were 4 sets of post cards sent out about 250.

b. ILRCC (Idaho Lands Resource Coordinating Council) Report
Janet Funk said, there’s no updates. There will be a meeting coming up in CDA.,

c. PLT Report “It is: SFI” (Jane Thornes)
Project Learning Tree had 21 workshops. Each year roughly 400 preK-12th grade teachers and youth leaders participate in Idaho PLT professional development workshops. In 2017 there was about 24,500 Idaho students reached by the educators. There was 18 Grants issued to teachers.

The new E-units are ready for teachers. These units include lesson plans, student pages, and other supporting materials online. The standards pop up throughout the
E-unit, making it handy for teachers. Additional opportunities include Sustainable Forestry Tour for Teachers and Counselors, Forest Products Week Essay Contest, Arbor Day Student Photo Contest, Papermaking and Forester tools lending kits, Forest Education Grants, social media, and Natural institutes websites are increasing.

One sponsor, Idaho Fire Wise is backing out, is not coming through with $3000.00. PLT would like ITFP to donate $2000.00. There are also additional Funding partners include the IDL, US Bureau of Land Management, USFS, License Plate Fund, and various grants. IFG supplements’ when needed. PLT under SFI now, it was suggested maybe SFI would donate and suggested PLT should approach ALC and individual loggers.

Janet Funk moved to table on donation until Jane brought more information regarding who will donate. Sean Hammonds Second the motion. Motion carried.

d. New ID TFC U.S.D.S. Soil Conservation Service Rep, Kirk Sehlmeyer:
Russ invited Mr. Sehlmeyer but he wasn’t able to make it.

e. 501C3 Status (Russ Hegedus)
All steps are completed and 501c3 status is now in place. IFG can start making payments directly to IDTFC & rather than send payments to the National ATFS office. IDFT will do an Annual Tax Return with Magnuson & McHugh in CDA, ID
The cost for the tax return will be estimated about $150.00.

f. Data base clean up: 004 forms – legal description
Russ suggested that for legal description enter Township, range, section & the RP#.
It was discussed that a person cannot always find the piece of property just with that information.
Monthly, Washington will be sending out ATFS Data Quality Report.

g. F.O.R.I Guidance: See Hand Out
Russ asked everyone to look at the hand out for F.O.R.I., Idaho really doesn’t’ have F.O.R.I. but the landowners are in the driver’s seat. It’s based on the inspectors’ perspective and given the size and scale of the individual landowners’ property and scope of landowner’s objectives on their property.

h. Inspections Update 2018: Required D1 18 D2 2 D3 1
Optional D1 26 D2 16 D3 6
Pioneer D2 4

Tim Schaffer has assigned his requires for District 2. John Lillehaug has the required done for District 3. Andy Eckberg is going to contact the inspectors for District 1.
Russ informed the committee that there’s an opening available as the inspector Training & Recognition Committee Chair. The inspector cannot charge a tree farmer but can get a donation. Doug Bradetich suggested that they can put the opening in the newsletter.
i. 2018 NLC will be held in Albuquerque, NM Jan 31-Feb 2nd.
Sean and Russ will be in attendance. This year’s theme is “Bring Our Impact into Focus”.

j. IFO/Tree Farm annual Moscow Winter Meeting March 25th-27th, 2018.
1. TFOY Kroetch, LOTY Luke Peterson-Northwoods Forestry, IDTY Steve Cuvala signs engraved. Russ asked, Steve Funk to help with the signs and he agreed. Steve will plan for 3 smaller signs & 1 big sign. Sean Hammonds is going to check for the correct spelling for all plaques.

There’s a travelling plague for the Tree Farmer of the Year, it goes to the nearest IDL office but no one was certain what location the plague was last. Mary Fritz and Steve Cuvala are going to check at their offices.

2. Inspectors gifts and awards ideas: gift cards, hats, pens, vest, plaque for desk, Biltmore sticks. It was suggested looking in the website for Bob Falkner, for Tree Farm Promotional items.

3. At the ITFP annual meeting in Moscow, there will be a no host bar for the award ceremony and then dessert hour for the Idaho outstanding award recipients.

k. Thanks to Mary Fritz good efforts a donation should be made to IDTF from Joyce Thompson, a retired USFS employee on the Nez/Clearwater whose father passed away & wants to leave a donation to a forestry-based organization in Idaho. Mary hasn’t heard anything but the donation will come in the mail.

l. Forestry Day at the Legislatures is Jan. 24th, Wednesday & John Lillehaug is putting this on. John said, the Legislators come for Lunch & visit. Displays will be set up. John said, he doesn’t need a lot of help.

6. Other Business:
Russ reminded the committee that as a certified program, we will be assessed by National ATFS a few of $10.00 per Tree Farm to help cover 3rd party auditing. We are required to have an economic plan in to them by 12-31-18 detailing how we will cover this cost and he suggested instituting a $10.00 annual fee to each Tree Farm. Detailed discussion by the committee ensued on this proposal. Consensus was that a fee system of some sort needs to be started. John Lillehaug believes if Tree Farmers are charged $10.00 per tree farm in his area, the tree farmers might opt out of the program. Doug Bradetich suggested we need to inform the Tree Farm members ahead. Erin Bradetich & Doug will inform tree farmers about the fee structure in the winter newsletter. Janet Funk thought there needs to be more incentive to belong to the tree farm. Russ will ask, if there’s any other options while he’s at the National Leadership Conference and report back at the April ITFC meeting. Janet moved to table the vote on charging the $10.00 until the meeting in April. Kurt Koetter seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously.
After the Forum, Russ will be addressing the SFI-SIC with the ITFP annual report. He will be requesting additional funding to help with rising administrative costs. Depending on the outcome, we may ask Idaho Forest Group to change their $5.00 per thousand-foot Tree Farm incentive from the current $4.50 Tree Farmer and $.50 state program to $4.00 Tree Farmer and $1.00 state program.

There needs to be more logger outreach to Landowners. There will be L.E.A.P. classes Tues, March 20th in Lewiston, Wed, March 21st in St. Maries, & Thurs, March 22nd in Sandpoint.
April 6th, UI Extension, Bonner County-Identifying Idaho Trees.

d. Next meeting date: Thursday, April 19, 2018

7. Adjourn
President Russ Hegedus adjourned the meeting at 12:05p.m. Sean Hammond moved the meeting be adjurned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Colleen Meek
ITFP Administrator

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