Idaho Tree Farm Committee Meeting
9:30am- 12:00pm, Wednesday April 12th, 2017
University of Idaho Extension Office – Kootenai County
1808 N 3rd St. Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814
1. Call to Order
President Russ Hegedus called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Those present for all or part of the meeting were:
Russ Hegedus, ITFC Chair/IFG; Proxy for Jane Thornes, PLT
Savannah Miller, ITFP Administrator
Tim Kyllo, ITFC/IFG
Tom Bollacker, Tree Farmer at Large
Doug Bradetich, IFG
Erin Bradetich, ITFC Communications, IFG
Mary Fritz, IDL
Andy Eckberg, ITFC District 1 Chair/IFG
Rob Keefe, U of I -CNR
Steven Cuvala, ITFC Treasurer/Tree Farmer
John Lillehaug, ITFC District 3 Chair/Tree Farmer
Tim Schaffer, ITFC District 2 Chair/BLP; Proxy for, Tom Biltonen, Bennett Lumber
Steve Funk, ITFC Past Chair/Tree Farmer; Proxy for Janet Funk, Tree Farmer
Chris Schnepf, ITFC/U of I Extension
Sean Hammond, ITFC Vice Chair/Tree Farmer
Kurt Koetter, Tree Farmer of the Year
2. Anti-Trust Statement
President Hegedus reviewed the Anti-trust Statement with the Committee.
3. Approval of Q1 2017 Treasurer’s Report and January Meeting Minutes
Doug Bradetich reviewed Q1 of 2017 Treasure’s Report. Sean Hammond moved and John Lillehaug seconded to approve the report as presented. The motion carried unanimously. Doug Bradetich moved and Sean Hammond seconded to approve the January Meeting Minutes without any corrections. The motion carried unanimously.
4. Review of April Treasurer’s Report
Steve Cuvala gave the Treasurer’s Report and Doug Bradetich reviewed the 2017 Budget against actual income and expenditures as of April 10, 2017. All expenses are in line. Cash balance is currently $27,408.50 in the positive. Doug reminded the Committee of the motion passed at January’s meeting to set aside funds to prepare for the next audit, whenever that may be. The line item, “AFF/SFI Program Audit” on the 2017 Budget reflects that January motion, and shall be carried on to every year’s budget going forward. Sean Hammond moved to accept both the Treasurer’s Report and Budget as presented. Kurt Koetter seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
5. ILRCC (Idaho Lands Resource Coordinating Council) Report Updates – Mary Fritz
Mary Fritz updated the Committee on the latest developments to the Forest Action Plan. The Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) is considering contracting the plan out to garner assistance with its completion. Current goals include identifying priority areas in the state as well as opportunities on state, federal and private lands for work, awareness, and education. IDL has been working with a University of Idaho policy analysis group to create a survey which would help the U of I forestry extension program and ITFP be more efficient and farther reaching. The last survey of this kind was done in 1987. The proposed target audience would be non-industrial family forest landowners in Idaho – those who pay a fire assessment as reported to the IDL. The analysis group are in the process of deciding what exact information they’re wanting to know from the data and are working on questions to include in the survey. IDL will be meeting with Forest Stewardship Managers and Forest Legacy Managers the first week of June to focus implementing programs on federal levels. Meeting will include a field trip to Clagstone Property, Steve and Janet Funk’s property and stewardship tree farms to give the managers a view of all participatory involvement, such as ‘Ties to the Land’.
6. Communications Report
Communications Chair Erin Bradetich updated the Committee on communication efforts with Tree Farmers. She and Doug Bradetich are currently working on the Spring Newsletter, which will touch on all of the Outstanding 2016 Awardees and ceremony, the Forestry Day at the Legislature, and the post card campaign. Those Tree Farmers who have an email will receive the Newsletter via Constant Contact.
7. Old Business
a. Spring 2017 Awards Ceremony
The Award Ceremony was well attended this year. Kurt and Sandy Koetter of Wood Wizard Tree Farm in Rathdrum won Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year. The Outstanding Tree Farm Inspector this year is Private Forestry Specialist Chris Gerhart at ID Department of Lands in the Clearwater Area. Outstanding Logger of the Year went to John Kinne of Odenwald Forestry in Kootenai, ID.
b. Post Card Campaign for Tree Farmer Status
Communications Chair Erin Bradetich and Administrator Savannah Miller have sent out the second batch of the 50 oldest Tree Farm post cards. Each District Chair will be consulted prior to all future batch mailings to streamline decertifying/certifying those Tree Farmers who may have already contacted a Chairman or an Inspector.
c. 501(c)3 Status (Steve Funk)
Steve Funk informed the Committee that he is finishing up paperwork to obtain 501(c)3 status, and will be sending it to the Bynum Group shortly. Any updates will be provided at the next meeting in July.
8. New Business
a. PLT Report “Is It Arbor Day or SFI”
American Forest Foundation (AFF) will be transferring Project Learning Tree (PLT) to either Arbor Day of SFI by June 2017, and an official announcement is expected by July.
b. Inspections Update by District Chairs
i. Required amount assigned and required already turned in.
All required inspections have been assigned and almost all have been completed. District I has 7 left to complete, District II has 5 left to complete, and District III has completed all of their assignments.
ii. Optional and Pioneer’s seeking Federal funds to get assistance.
National has asked State Committees to evaluate and either certify or decertify the inventory of Pioneer inspections that we have in our state, and have offered grants to assist in bringing Pioneers up to Certified status. The Committee continues to discuss potential plans to complete these.
c. Wood Family
Jim and Virginia Wood of Sandpoint (2016 Idaho Outstanding Tree Farmers of the Year), have made it as one of this area’s Regional Finalists for the Regional Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year. A National Inspector will make a trip out to their property in May and will make their final decision for the running 1-2 weeks after the visit.
d. New Tree Farmer Recognition from the State Level
Chair Russ Hegedus and Administrator Savannah Miller are in the process of drafting a Welcome Packet to new Tree Farmers. This packet will include a welcome letter and a certificate displaying their Tree Farm ID Number, Tree Farm Name/Owners, and the Inspecting Forester, signed and dated by the Chair. The welcome letter will also include an explanation of program benefits to the Landowner, such as education, recognition, and AFF representation. The final draft will be provided for consideration at the next Committee meeting in July.
e. 004 Form Completion Emailed Updates
When completed and signed 004 forms are entered by the Administrator, confirmation of their entry into the database will be sent via email to the Inspecting Forester and Landowner (if they’ve provided an email). A physical letter will also be sent to the Landowner’s mailing address recognizing their tree farm’s re-certification to the updated standards. Tim Kyllo moved to form a sub-committee in charge of writing an SOP for inspections, data input and file retention. Doug Bradetich seconded the motion and the Committee approved unanimously. The sub-committee includes Tim Kyllo, Doug Bradetich and John Lillehaug.
9. Other Business:
a. Next meeting date: Thursday July 20, 2017 at the U of I Extension Office in Coeur d’ Alene, ID at 9:30 a.m.
b. All are welcome to attend the Foresters for Southern Idaho Tour at the USFS Lucky Peak Nursery in Boise, ID on May 17, 2017. Idaho Tree Farm Program Donated $100 to Squaw Creek Soil Conservation District for the tour.
c. Koetter Tree Farmer of the year Fall Tour Meeting in Rathdrum: September 9, 2017
A map to the property and invitation letter will be sent to Tree Farmers in July or early August.
10. Adjourn
President Hegedus adjourned the meeting at 11:05 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Savannah Miller
ITF Administrator
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