Idaho Tree Farm Committee Minutes – January 17, 2019

9:30am-12pm, Thursday, January 17, 2019
U of I Extension Office
1808 N 3rd St. Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815

1. Call to Order
President Sean Hammond called the meeting to order at 9:30a.m. Those present for all or part of the meeting were:
Sean Hammond, ITFC Chairman/ Tree Farmer
Doug Bradetich, ITFC Budget/ IFG
Kurt Koetter, IFOA/Tree Farmer
Andy Eckberg, ITFC District 1 Chair/IFG
Steve Funk, IFOA/Tree Farmer
Janet Funk, ILRCC/Tree Farmer
Colleen Meek, ITFC Administrator
Madeline David, ITF Incoming Treasurer/Tree Farmer
Kirk David, IFOA/Tree Farmer
Robbie Easley, IDL
Tim Schaffer, ITFC District 2 Chair/BLP
Steve Cuvala, ITFC Outgoing Treasurer/IDL
Mary Fritz, IDL/ITFC Certification Chair/IDL
Matt Engberg, Inspector Training Facilitator/NWM
Russ Hegedus, ITFC Past Chairman/IFG
John Lillehaug ,ITFC District 3 Chair/ All About Forestry
Scott Sievers, IDL
Erin Bradetich, ITFC Communication Chair/IFG
Chris Schnepf, UI

2. Anti-Trust Statement
Sean Hammond reviewed the Anti-Trust Statement with the Committee.

3. Look over and review and approve Q4 Meeting Minutes
Sean asked if there’s any correction to the 4th Quarter Meeting Minutes. Russ Hegedus moved we accept as read. Andy Eckberg Seconded the Motion, with voice vote, the motion passed.

4. Review Q4 2018 Treasurer’s Report
Steve Cuvala presented the Treasurer’s Report Program Funding year to December 31, 2018. Cash balance is currently $33,098.19 in the positive. Income for 2018 is 24, 404.66. Total expenses for 2018 was 19,403.13. ITFC received a check from ATFS for required inspections completed, which will be deposited in 2019. There’s was one expense recorded in 2019 as of date. Current balance to date for 2019 is $33,825.01.
Kirk David moved we file the treasure’s report for review. Andy Eckberg seconded the motion. With a voice vote the motion passed.

5. Review Budget
Doug and Sean had got together the week prior to prepare a draft budget. Doug went over the budget with the committee. It was asked if Steve Funk will do the OTFOY sign again, he said yes, he would. John Lillehaug asked about the “Forestry for Southern Idaho Tour”, budgeted for $500. It was discussed about the Family Forest Landowner Conference, payment was paid of $65 for registration for a display table. Regarding funds to cover the assessment, Doug let the committee know that National will pay $1000 now and $100 per each of the 20 audit sites later this summer for a total of $3000. The budget stands as approved. Kirk David moved approval of the budget, Andy Eckberg seconded the motion. With a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.

6. Communications Report
Communication Chair, Erin Bradetich, said there will be a newsletter coming out soon. She had the Family Forest Landowners & Managers meeting but needed more topics for the Newsletter. It was suggested to enter about the audit to continue letting people know what is happening. A list of tree farmers was chosen to be assessed by PricewaterHouseCoopers (PwC). Per Mary Fritz it will be an opportunity to show off their tree farm. Discussion about the NRCS meeting that the EQIP application had a deadline of two weeks, which several of the tree farmers felt it was not acceptable. Chris Schnepf suggested an article might serve as a reminder. Chris did say UI Extension does have a 3-month schedule of events published. Sean asked if it was necessary for contractors to preregister for LEAP training and Chris indicate, yes, that is a requirement.

7. Old Business
a. Procedures for Dues implementation & update by-laws
Sean requested to table these topics until after the audit is over. Kurt Koetter voiced a motion to curtail until the July meeting. Steve Funk seconded the motion. With a voice vote, the motion passed.

b. Let the committee know who the Inspector of the year is for 2018, Robbie Easley.
Russ Hegedus introduced Robbie Easley to the committee. Tim Schaffer nominated Robbie Easley for the Inspector of Year.

c. Filled positions for the Idaho Tree Committee for 2019-2020
Vice President-Open
Treasurer – Madeline David. Kurt Koetter made a motion to nominate Madeline as Treasurer. Mary Fritz seconded the motion. With a voice vote, the motion passed Madeline as Treasurer. It was discussed if Madeline should take over the position in April or now (January). Madeline felt it would be better to accept position at the beginning of a year. It was agreed she would begin immediately.
Budget Subcommittee: Doug Bradetich will continue as chair.
Communication Subcommittee: Erin Bradetich will continue as chair.

d. Audit 2019
The audit preparation meeting was January 16, 2019 with Kristina Duff. There were 20 Tree Farmers picked to be assessed by PricewaterHouseCoopers (PwC). The tree farms picked for the 2019 assessment are located at Idaho, Valley, Shoshone, and Benewah counties. It’s very important to all the tree farmers that were picked to make sure their management plans are up to current standards as soon as possible. Per ATFS Standards of Sustainability, the contiguous & non-contiguous parcel issues need to be corrected. Karen of PwC was very impressed with Idaho getting a premium for logs from tree farmers. Mary Fritz asked to meet with the district chairs & any inspectors that are on the list right after the ITFC meeting.

8. New Business
a. Idaho Lands Resource Coordinating Council (ILRCC) Report-Janet Funk
Janet Funk reported there was a meeting Nov 1st in Coeur d’Alene. The biggest focus is on Priority Landscape for all lands. The Forest Action Plan-Purpose is to help landowners and managers in Idaho identify projects and activities that reduce threats to forests. How to format maps with GPS, size pixels, how its effects water quality, wildfires and could allow crew members to be more aware of their location. They could improve safety. The ecosystem benefits the forests.
Environmental or Climate Change- Governor Little, Says Climate change is real and here. Per Chris Schnepf the government did research on Climate change.
Good Neighbor Authority-Private property with needs-up and coming discussion.

b. Project Learning Tree (PLT) Report-Mary Fritz
Due to computer connectivity issues, Mary Fritz was not able to access all of her records at the meeting but reported there were no major issues regarding PLT to report on at this time.

c. 2019 NLC will be held in Louisville, Kentucky on Feb 26-28th, 2019. Erin Bradetich & John Lellehaug will be attending.
Theme: “Growing Forest Conservation, Together”

d. IFOA/Tree Farm Annual Moscow Meeting, March 24-26, 2019.
1. What to get or signs Tree Farmer of Year-Larry Cook, Logger of Year-Thomas Mackey, & Inspector of Year-Robbie Easley.
Steve Funk volunteered to make the sign and plaques.

2. Inspector gifts & awards-ideas?
Sean Hammond suggested no more vests, but Robbie Easley said he would take a vest, size XL.
John Lillehaug suggested gift cards or certificates, since a lot of inspectors have a quality of hats and t-shirts. Chris Schnepf suggested using Zome in Spokane for printing, Kirk suggested Bob Faulkner, and Russ suggested Pyramid Printing locally in CDA. It was suggested that we get more hats and a few winter hats with ear flaps. It was asked do all inspectors have to be graduate foresters? The answer was yes or have taken a range of required forestry classes.
It was suggested inspector with 1 tree farm-a $15.00 gift certificate, 5 and over more monies.
3. Handouts for Family Forest Landowner Conference
One suggestion was hat tac. It was suggested to ask National what they have available for outreach.
4. No Host Bar for the Awards ceremony & then dessert hour for the P.O.Y. What changes would we like to see this year?
Per Kirk David the FFLOC social that was held previously in the mall will be in Best Western this year, prior to the ITFC meeting. The FFLOC Steering Committee would like to combine with the ITFC social hour and split the cost between ITFC and FFL&MC, hoping more people will attend. Doug Bradetich moved to combine FFL&MC and ITFC Social and Kurt Koetter seconded the motion. Janet Funk suggested instead of having the dessert hour in another room have it in the same room as the social and meeting. Janet thought if we got a big cake everyone can enjoy it and visit. Sean moved that we have dessert in the same room. Madeline David seconded the motion. With a voice vote, the motion passed.

e. Inspections for 2019
1. Required: District 1 19 District 2 1 District 3 1
2. Optional: District 1 36 District 2 12 District 3 2
3. Pioneer: District 1 0 District 2 2 District 3 0

f. May 1-2, 2019 Fly In
Per Kirk David, IFOA and ITF split the cost, when Marcus Smith went last time. He would like to go again this year. The Fly-In is every two years. The date for the Fly-In is May 1 & 2, 2019.
Doug Bradetich moved to add $250 to the budget for the Fly-In. John Lillehaug seconded the motion, with a voice vote, the motion passed.

9. Other Business
John Lillehaug introduced his replacement at the IDL office, Scott Sievers. Scott will also become a tree farm inspector.

a. Next meeting date: Thursday, April 18, 2019
Colleen Meek asked for suggestions on a location if the fire hall isn’t available in April. ITF will have the July and October meetings at the UI Extension Office. Janet Funk volunteered their barn for our April meeting if the fire hall isn’t available.

10. Adjourn
Sean Hammond adjourned the meeting at 11:20a.m.

Respectfully submitted by,
Colleen Meek
ITFP Administrator

Idaho Tree Farm Minutes – July 19, 2018

Idaho Tree Farm Committee Program
9:30am-12pm, Thursday, July 19, 2018
University of Idaho Extension Office Kootenai County – 1808 N 3rd St – CDA, ID 83814

1. Call to Order
President Russ Hegedus called the meeting to order at 9:34a.m. Those present for all or part of the meeting were:
Russ Hegedus, ITFC President
Sean Hammond, ITFC Vice President, Tree Farmer
Doug Bradetich, IFG
Erin Bradetich, IFTF Communications Chair/IFG
Andy Eckberg, ITFC District 1 Chair/IFG
Tim Schaffer, ITFC District 2 Chair/BLP
Steve Funk, IFOA/Tree Farmer
Janet Funk, ILRCC/Tree Farmer
Remington Daniels, IFG
Colleen Meek, ITF Administrator
Madeline David, IFOA
Kirk David, IFOA
Tom Bollacker, Tree Farmer
Dan Meyer, Tree Farmer
Rob Keefe, UI Exp Forest
Mary Fritz, IDL
Kirk Sehlmeyer, NRCS
Brian Kroetch, Tree Farmer, Kroetch Land & Timber Co

2. Anti-Trust Statement
Russ Hegedus reviewed the Anti-Trust Statement with the Committee.

3. Look over and review Q2 Meeting Minutes
Sean Hammond approved April 19, 2018 minutes as read, Tim Schaffer seconded. Motion accepted unanimously.

4. Review Q2 2018 Treasurer’s Report
Doug Bradetich represented Steve Cuvala in his absence at the meeting. The Treasurer’s Report Program Funding year to date $5335.89. Beginning balance as of 1/1/18 was $28,097.66. Cash balance is currently $33,433.55 in the positive.
Doug went over the current budget for 2018. Discussed prep fees for taxes. It should be budgeted for taxes each year. Program funding from National was discussed from the required Tree Farm inspections. It was discussed after the survey with Edge if a tree farmer that hasn’t be heard from their Tree Farm will be put on Pioneer for 2 years & if not heard from by then, that Tree Farm will be decertified. Any Tree Farm that has been put on Pioneer will not be charged a fee for audit. Tree farmer dues will be put on hold until after October since there’s a data cleanup for the state of Idaho by National & Edge Research. The estimate cost could be anywhere from $8 to 12. It was suggested maybe the tree farmers should just be charged $15.00 per year. It was discussed that IFG incentive is around $16.000.00 per year. Southern Tour was a little more than budgeted for due to motel rooms and doesn’t have all the receipts for supplies. Doug hasn’t seen any receipts for Forestry Idaho Legislative. There haven’t been signs ordered this year. Sean Hammond moved approval of the 2018 Budget, Rob Keefe seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

5. Communications Report
Communication Chair, Erin Bradetich, updated the committee that another newsletter should be coming out towards the end of the month. Doug asked for suggestions for more topics for the newsletter. Suggestion were as follows: More regarding Edge survey, Assessment of audit, Teachers tour (43 plus 6 IDL and other tree farmers to fill about 80 attendees, and Mary suggested Stewardship One Plan.

6. Old Business
a. Forestry in Southern Idaho Tour, May 16th, 2018, 58 folks attended.
The attendees were very pleased with the tour. Russ Hegedus and Tim Schaffer attended the tour.

b. Inspector training Chair filled with Matt Engberg.
Not present due to unseen circumstances. He’ll follow up with Andy Eckberg, Tim Schaffer, and John Lillehaug on the 2020-2025 guidelines.

c. National survey by Edge Contracting to clean up database.
The data cleanup is free for the state and takes about 5 months. The research should be done around the end of October. The Tree Farm Program should know how many certified tree farmers are still in the program, husband & wife will be as one tree farmer. The cost is figured by annual fee divided by certified tree farmers equals the annual cost. Hopefully by April 1st, 2019 the billing will be mailed. Janet Funk suggested maybe have a 1-year, a 3-year payment and a 5-year payment, let the tree farmer have an option. The discussion was curtailed until more is known after the National & Edge Research study is done.

7. New Business
a. PLT Report (Mary Fritz)
Couldn’t be present for the meeting. There will be an Opinion Leaders Tour in September.

b. ILRCC Report (Janet Funk)
The ILRCC meeting was at Idaho Falls, Idaho. They went on couple of tours. Urban Forestry shaded town on the river walk. The city energy is generated from the Snake River. The IDL restoration project in on a portion of the Teton Creek close to the eastern edge of Idaho.

Valley like Horseshoe area protect the homes with a belt of Aspen Trees. The Aspen is fuel break to stop fires. USFS is doing a study claiming the strategy Aspens doesn’t burn like conifers. If a person looks up in the middle of the valley you can see how it was built with the Aspens.

The LSR (Landscape Scale Restoration) projects were reviewed. How to adjust the budget.

The Forest Legacy Program update the Switzer got dropped off (prevent development on the backside). Switzer will reapply.

The Forest Action Plan is continuing-shows risks and benefits. There’s a map that shows the risks.

There will be a discussion on the moth outbreak. There will be a Climate conference October 9th/10th. The next meeting for ILRCC will be in October.

c. Database cleanup timing & events & Goals (Colleen)
Discussion on this topic has been done earlier in the agenda.

8. Inspections Update by District Chairs

a. Required: What’s been assigned & what’s been done?
District 1 – 9 left and all has been assigned except 1 District 2 – 2 to be done District 3 – zero left

b. Optional and Pioneer’s – What’s been done?
District 1 – 17 left to be done & not all has been assigned an inspector District 2 – 16 left District 3 – 5 left

c. We are discussing candidates for Outstanding Award of the Year.
Tim Schaffer had a prospect for Tree Farmer of the Year, Forever Green Tree Farm (Larry Cook). He has 60 acres of timber at St. Maries.
Sean Hammond had a prospect for logger of the year. Gary Jenkins, he’s been logging Warren Smith’s property for over 10 years.
Janet Funk suggested the Tree Farm Program can have a tour on the suggested tree farmer and logger.

There will be Outreach Forest Owner Tour in Bonners Ferry, September 14th. Headed by Clinton McKlintock.

d. 004 Form Completion (make sure and fill all the appropriate areas)
Russ asked that the RP number be included on the legal.

9. The vote on assessing each tree farmer a nominal annual fee per tree farmer as a family unit which is expected to be between $8.00-$12.00 per year to cover the cost of SFI Certification is on hold until the database has been updated around mid-October. November National wants us to roll non-respronders to Pioneer w 004 form and they won’t be audited.
This topic was discussed earlier in the meeting. The non-responded tree farmers will be moved to Pioneer. The audit will be July 2019.

10. Kroetch Family Fall Tour September 8, 2018 Prep:
a. Brainstorm ideas and points of interest to assist landowner
Brian would like to set up the tent, chairs etc. at the south fork gate. Will meet on the Mica Bay Land Company property about 11 miles S of Coeur d’Alene on Whitlaw Road through the gate.
Brian would like to have the tour look at an active job first. This will be 1 hour to 2 hours. Erin Bradetich suggested that this been done before lunch.
Tour should be mentioned in the newspaper and newsletter. Kirk David will mention the tour in the IFOA newsletter.

b. Tour attendance: How many might come, any guesses…
Could be around 75-80

c. Who can help with tasks of tour. Tent, chairs, honey buckets, barbeque, beverages
Janet & Steve will get a hold of Schafflemeyer to cater the barbeque and will check if they have chairs for the tour.
Russ will pick up cold beverages from Costco.
Colleen will order 2 honey buckets, order the tent and chairs, if Schafflemeyer doesn’t provide any chairs.
Colleen will pick up donuts. There were 4 SUV passenger cars order that will hold 7-8 passengers. There were no vans available on September 8th. Colleen called various car rentals in the area this includes Sandpoint, Spokane and Coeur d’ Alene areas.
Kirk and Madeline volunteer to make coffee but there will not be no power, a generator was suggested.

d. Signs will be needed.

11. Other Business:
a. Next meeting date: Thursday, October 18, 2018.

b. Rob Keefe had an update, Kurt Pregitzer, Dean of College Research retired. A new forester Matt Hajos will work with Rob. They might have an Active Research tour for students in spring, April or May.

c. Janet and Steve have completed their larch seedling orchard. They have planted this spring 234 seedlings.

Russ Hegedus adjourned the meeting at 11:45a.m. Sean Hammond moved the meeting be adjourned.

Colleen Meek
ITFP Administrator

April 18, 2018 ITF Committee Minutes


Idaho Tree Farm Committee Program

9:30am-12pm, Thursday, April 19, 2018

University of Idaho Extension Office Kootenai County – 1808 N 3rd St – CDA, ID 83814


  1. Call to Order

President Russ Hegedus called the meeting to order at 9:30am. Those present for all or part of the meeting      were:

Russ Hegedus, ITFC President

Sean Hammond, ITFC Vice President, Tree Farmer

Doug Bradetich, IFG

Erin Bradetich, IFTF Communications Chair/IFG

Andy Eckberg, ITFC District 1 Chair/IFG

Jane Thornes, PLT

Jim Thornes, Tree Farmer

Tim Schaffer, ITFC District 2 Chair/BLP

Steve Funk, IFOA/Tree Farmer

Janet Funk, ILRCC/Tree Farmer

Chris Schnepf, ITFC/U of I Extension

Colleen Meek, ITF Administrator

Madeline David, IFOA

Kirk David, IFOA

Tom Bollacker, Tree Farmer

Dan Meyer, Tree Farmer

John Lillehaug, ITFC District 3 Chair

Mary Fritz, IDL

Kurt Koetter, Tree Farmer

  1. Anti-Trust Statement

Russ Hegedus reviewed the Anti-Trust Statement with the Committee.

  1. Look over and review Q1 Meeting Minutes

Kirk David pointed out there was one correction in the minutes in New minutes, section j-IFO/Tree Annual Moscow Winter Meeting March 25th-27th, 2018. The word plague should say plaque. Sean Hammond approved minutes, Doug Bradetich seconded. Motion accepted unanimously.

  1. Review Q1 2018 Treasurer’s Report

Doug Bradetich represented Steve Cuvala in his absence at the meeting. The Treasurer’s Report Program Funding year to date $3,427.82. Beginning balance as of 1/1/18 was $28,097.66. Cash balance is currently $31,525.48 in the positive.

Doug went over the new budget for 2018. Russ suggested the rate $500 for Program Supplies & Equipment to raised to $1000, since projectors & screen are priced higher. Donation for the teacher tour was $250 raised to $500 and took off $250 on DC. Doug Bradetich moved to approve the treasurer report and Kurt Koetter seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Sean Hammond moved approval of the 2018 Budget, Kurt Koetter seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

  1. Communications Report

Communication Chair, Erin Bradetich, updated the committee that another newsletter should be coming out in another couple weeks.

  1. Old Business
  2. 501c3 Status and CPA Updates (Colleen Meek)

The CPA, (Matthew Peterson) sent in the 1023EZ report (Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code) to the IRS which cost $275 to file on line. Colleen Meek called the IRS April 4th, 2018 to find out the status of the 1023EZ report. The report just went into review and it will take 4 to 6 weeks, around mid-May, to receive a written answer nay or yay from the IRS. The gentleman at the IRS did say to have the CPA file the 990N form, since it’s due May 16th. Colleen called Mr. Peterson, he will file the 990N form. When the letter is received from the IRS a copy will be sent to Mr. Peterson.

  1. Moscow Spring Meeting roughly 80 people in attendance.

Madeline David was wondering how DC will charge a Tree Farmer by the tree farms or per tree farmer for the cost of SFI certificates. It is actually by tree farmer. AFF will be passing part of the cost of 3rd party forest certification on the states. The committee decided to charge by tree farm but it will have a cap for the tree farmers that have multiple tree farms which will be $50.00. The $10 will go towards the 2019 audit also. Doug Bradetich made a motion to charge $10 per tree farm with a cap of $50. Kurt Koetter seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Chris Schnepf suggested putting testimonials about the $10 fee in the newsletter. Mary Fritz asked, if everyone has a good email address. Not all tree farmers have an email address and there’s a few with bad addresses. John Lillehaug suggested that getting the monies from the tree farmers earlier, move the date up to July. John Lillehaug moved to have a committee get together to find out the correct number of tree farms and have a logic approach for implementing a billing system for the tree farmers. Chris Schnepf seconded the motion. Russ asked for volunteers to be on the committee. Doug Bradetich, John Lillehaug, Tim Schaffer, and Colleen Meek will be on the committee. The committee will contact Madeline and Kirk David to see how IFOA has handled their billing issues.

  1. UI Nursery Advisory Committee consolidated a seat for IFOA and ID Tree Farm.

Janet Funk talked about different representatives on the Nursery Advisory Committee. It was suggested by a member of the tree farm maybe they should consolidate the IFOA and ID Tree Farm voting position. Members of the Tree Farm Committee felt comments were misguided and unauthorized. It’s believed all tree organizations should have their own representation on the UI Nursery Advisory Committee. Kurt Koetter moved that to accept the letter that was written to rescind the motion regarding the “NIPF” (Non-Industrial Private Forestland) representation and restore the committee members to their previous designations. Sean Hammond seconded the motion. Majority in favor.

  1. New Business
  2. PLT Report (Jane Thornes)

ID-SFI annual meeting voted funding new units. PLT will be focusing on workshops, core subjects and activities for 6th to 12th grades. There were 43 teachers that went on tour. Stem outreach-grant ID State ED-donated by Clearwater Paper. There were nearly 200 photographs submitted. The Photo contest winners: Grand Price and winner 11-12th grade was Miranda Fry. 10-11 Kaden Grow, 7-8 Tegan Garrison and 5-6 Elise Pearse.

PLT offers Forestry Grants up to $1000 to schools and youth organizations for environmental projects. May is Wildfire Awareness Month.

Jane announced it would be her last meeting representing PLT. Mary Fritz will be taking her position.

  1. ILRCC Report (Janet Funk)

The ILRCC Assessment Core Team continues to work on the updates and revisions to the Forest Action Plan. Attention has been heavily focused on the forests “Threats and Benefits” section of the FAP.

The Western Fire Manager grants were reviewed and found to be within the scope of action, and the funding limits.

The LSR (Landscape Scale Restoration) projects were reviewed.

The Forest Legacy Program update showed that the Hall Mountain/Kootenai Valley project (3281 acres) has been funded. There are two other projects that are in “application status”. The Legacy Program, to date, has 30 purchased conservation easements on 95,768 acres, and 8 donated conservation easements on 2661 acres. Approximately 86,200 acres are open to public recreation, free of charge, in perpetuity.


A report on the Treasure Valley Carbon study was given. Among other things, it shows that tree canopy in an urban setting has more monetary value, for carbon sequestration, than the same amount of canopy in a forest setting.


  1. Forestry Contest Athol, Idaho – May 10, 2018 at Careywood-Delay Tree Farm-mile marker 454 W side of 95 – Forestry Contest will start at 9:30. Volunteers should arrive by 7:45a.m. Kurt Koetter needs volunteers to help clean up on April 20, 2018. On April 25th they will be setting up for the contest. Karen Robinson of IDL, is the organizer to contact if a person would like to volunteer.


  1. Forestry in Southern Idaho Tour, Wed May 16th, Council, ID.

John Lillehaug is the contact person regarding the tour. John said, everything is set to go. Russ Hegedus and Tim Schaffer will be attending the tour.


  1. Inspector training and certification chair (open)

Russ Hegedus said, the position is still open. Madeline David suggest asking a retired person that might like to help with the training for inspectors.


  1. Inspections update by District Chairs

Required: What has been assigned & what’s been turned in.

District 1 has done 7 required and 12 left. District 2 has 2 required to be done. District 3 had 1 required and that has been completed.


Optional and Pioneer’s What has been done?

There has been 8 optional done. There are 40 left which majority of the optional have been assigned to inspectors.


  1. 004 Form completion (make sure and fill all the appropriate areas)


  1. The vote on assessing each tree farmer a $10.00 annual fee per tree farm number to cover the cost of SFI Certification. The vote on assessing the tree farmer an annual fee of $10.00 was discussed earlier in the meeting.


  1. Kroetch Family Fall Tour – September 8, 2018 Prep:
  2. Brainstorm ideas and points of interest to assist landowner.
  3. Tour Attendance: How many might come, any guesses

Brian Kroetch wasn’t in attendance at the meeting. Russ Hegedus will circle back with Brian.


  1. Remind Landowners and Inspectors One Plan Template does include Stewardship.

Russ Hegedus suggested the inspectors remind the landowners that One Plan Template does include Stewardship.

If, they have Stewardship they can be dual involved.


  1. Other Business
  2. Next Meeting date: Thursday, July 19, 2018.


  1. Adjourn

Russ Hegedus adjourned the meeting at 12:00p.m. Doug Bradetich moved the meeting be adjourned. Sean Hammond seconded, motion carried unanimously.



Colleen Meek

ITFP Administrator





Idaho Tree Farm Committee Minutes-January 18, 2018

Idaho Tree Farm Program

Idaho Tree Farm Committee Meeting

9:30am-12:00pm, Thursday, January 18, 2018

Fire District #3, Kootenai County

1500 North 15th St. -Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814


1. Call to Order
President Russ Hegedus called the meeting to order at 9:27 a.m. Those present for all or part of the meeting were:
Russ Hegedus, ITFC President
Sean Hammond, ITFC Vice President, Tree Farmer
Doug Bradetich, IFG
Erin Bradetich, ITFC Communications Chair/IFG
Andy Eckberg, ITFC District 1 Chair/IFG
Jane Thornes, PLT
Jim Thornes, Tree Farmer
Steven Cuvala, ITFC Treasurer/Tree Farmer
Tim Schaffer, ITFC District 2 Chair/BLP
Steve Funk, ITFC Past Chair/Tree Farmer
Janet Funk, Tree Farmer/ILRCC
Chris Schnepf, ITFC/U of I Extension
Kurt Koetter, Tree Farmer of the Year
Dan Myers, Tree Farmer
Colleen Meek, ITF Administrator
John Lillenhaug, ITFC District 3 Chair/IDL
Owen Retzlaff/I.E.P
Mary Fritz/IDL
Tom Bollacker, Tree Farmer

2. Anti-Trust Statement
Russ Hegedus reviewed the Anti-Trust Statement with the Committee.

3. Review of 2017 Treasurer’s Report
Steve Cuvala gave the Treasurer’s Report Program Funding year to date ($565.02) and Doug Bradetich reviewed the 2017 Budget against actual income and expenditures as of December 31, 2017. All expenses are in line, Cash balance is currently $28,097.66 in the positive. Steve Cuvala was wondering what was the difference between Host Gator, Godwin (our maintenance for website) and Go Daddy. Approval of Q4 2017 Treasurer Report John Lillehaug approved and Doug Bradetich seconded. Motion carried Unanimously.
Treasurer Report as of January 16, 2018 balance $26,784.00. John Lillehaug moved and Doug Bradetich seconded to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. The motion carried unanimously.

4. Old Business:
Janet Funk will represent IDTFC at the UI Nursery for landowner seedling needs. U of I Seedling would like a 20-minute presentation, since they have not heard of or knew what Idaho Tree Farm Program is. Janet has provided them some information to the UI Nursery Committee and read through it with the ITFC. Russ Hegedus volunteered to give a presentation, since research is vital to Idaho Tree Farm.
A few general observations discussed were: There’s various outlets for seedlings. It’s a person choice where they would like to get their seedlings. Larch seedlings are the hardest to get.

5. New Business:
a. Communications Report
Communications Chair Erin Bradetich updated the Committee on communication efforts with Tree Farmers. Erin Bradetich currently working on the next newsletter for distribution. There were 4 sets of post cards sent out about 250.

b. ILRCC (Idaho Lands Resource Coordinating Council) Report
Janet Funk said, there’s no updates. There will be a meeting coming up in CDA.,

c. PLT Report “It is: SFI” (Jane Thornes)
Project Learning Tree had 21 workshops. Each year roughly 400 preK-12th grade teachers and youth leaders participate in Idaho PLT professional development workshops. In 2017 there was about 24,500 Idaho students reached by the educators. There was 18 Grants issued to teachers.

The new E-units are ready for teachers. These units include lesson plans, student pages, and other supporting materials online. The standards pop up throughout the
E-unit, making it handy for teachers. Additional opportunities include Sustainable Forestry Tour for Teachers and Counselors, Forest Products Week Essay Contest, Arbor Day Student Photo Contest, Papermaking and Forester tools lending kits, Forest Education Grants, social media, and Natural institutes websites are increasing.

One sponsor, Idaho Fire Wise is backing out, is not coming through with $3000.00. PLT would like ITFP to donate $2000.00. There are also additional Funding partners include the IDL, US Bureau of Land Management, USFS, License Plate Fund, and various grants. IFG supplements’ when needed. PLT under SFI now, it was suggested maybe SFI would donate and suggested PLT should approach ALC and individual loggers.

Janet Funk moved to table on donation until Jane brought more information regarding who will donate. Sean Hammonds Second the motion. Motion carried.

d. New ID TFC U.S.D.S. Soil Conservation Service Rep, Kirk Sehlmeyer:
Russ invited Mr. Sehlmeyer but he wasn’t able to make it.

e. 501C3 Status (Russ Hegedus)
All steps are completed and 501c3 status is now in place. IFG can start making payments directly to IDTFC & rather than send payments to the National ATFS office. IDFT will do an Annual Tax Return with Magnuson & McHugh in CDA, ID
The cost for the tax return will be estimated about $150.00.

f. Data base clean up: 004 forms – legal description
Russ suggested that for legal description enter Township, range, section & the RP#.
It was discussed that a person cannot always find the piece of property just with that information.
Monthly, Washington will be sending out ATFS Data Quality Report.

g. F.O.R.I Guidance: See Hand Out
Russ asked everyone to look at the hand out for F.O.R.I., Idaho really doesn’t’ have F.O.R.I. but the landowners are in the driver’s seat. It’s based on the inspectors’ perspective and given the size and scale of the individual landowners’ property and scope of landowner’s objectives on their property.

h. Inspections Update 2018: Required D1 18 D2 2 D3 1
Optional D1 26 D2 16 D3 6
Pioneer D2 4

Tim Schaffer has assigned his requires for District 2. John Lillehaug has the required done for District 3. Andy Eckberg is going to contact the inspectors for District 1.
Russ informed the committee that there’s an opening available as the inspector Training & Recognition Committee Chair. The inspector cannot charge a tree farmer but can get a donation. Doug Bradetich suggested that they can put the opening in the newsletter.
i. 2018 NLC will be held in Albuquerque, NM Jan 31-Feb 2nd.
Sean and Russ will be in attendance. This year’s theme is “Bring Our Impact into Focus”.

j. IFO/Tree Farm annual Moscow Winter Meeting March 25th-27th, 2018.
1. TFOY Kroetch, LOTY Luke Peterson-Northwoods Forestry, IDTY Steve Cuvala signs engraved. Russ asked, Steve Funk to help with the signs and he agreed. Steve will plan for 3 smaller signs & 1 big sign. Sean Hammonds is going to check for the correct spelling for all plaques.

There’s a travelling plague for the Tree Farmer of the Year, it goes to the nearest IDL office but no one was certain what location the plague was last. Mary Fritz and Steve Cuvala are going to check at their offices.

2. Inspectors gifts and awards ideas: gift cards, hats, pens, vest, plaque for desk, Biltmore sticks. It was suggested looking in the website for Bob Falkner, for Tree Farm Promotional items.

3. At the ITFP annual meeting in Moscow, there will be a no host bar for the award ceremony and then dessert hour for the Idaho outstanding award recipients.

k. Thanks to Mary Fritz good efforts a donation should be made to IDTF from Joyce Thompson, a retired USFS employee on the Nez/Clearwater whose father passed away & wants to leave a donation to a forestry-based organization in Idaho. Mary hasn’t heard anything but the donation will come in the mail.

l. Forestry Day at the Legislatures is Jan. 24th, Wednesday & John Lillehaug is putting this on. John said, the Legislators come for Lunch & visit. Displays will be set up. John said, he doesn’t need a lot of help.

6. Other Business:
Russ reminded the committee that as a certified program, we will be assessed by National ATFS a few of $10.00 per Tree Farm to help cover 3rd party auditing. We are required to have an economic plan in to them by 12-31-18 detailing how we will cover this cost and he suggested instituting a $10.00 annual fee to each Tree Farm. Detailed discussion by the committee ensued on this proposal. Consensus was that a fee system of some sort needs to be started. John Lillehaug believes if Tree Farmers are charged $10.00 per tree farm in his area, the tree farmers might opt out of the program. Doug Bradetich suggested we need to inform the Tree Farm members ahead. Erin Bradetich & Doug will inform tree farmers about the fee structure in the winter newsletter. Janet Funk thought there needs to be more incentive to belong to the tree farm. Russ will ask, if there’s any other options while he’s at the National Leadership Conference and report back at the April ITFC meeting. Janet moved to table the vote on charging the $10.00 until the meeting in April. Kurt Koetter seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously.
After the Forum, Russ will be addressing the SFI-SIC with the ITFP annual report. He will be requesting additional funding to help with rising administrative costs. Depending on the outcome, we may ask Idaho Forest Group to change their $5.00 per thousand-foot Tree Farm incentive from the current $4.50 Tree Farmer and $.50 state program to $4.00 Tree Farmer and $1.00 state program.

There needs to be more logger outreach to Landowners. There will be L.E.A.P. classes Tues, March 20th in Lewiston, Wed, March 21st in St. Maries, & Thurs, March 22nd in Sandpoint.
April 6th, UI Extension, Bonner County-Identifying Idaho Trees.

d. Next meeting date: Thursday, April 19, 2018

7. Adjourn
President Russ Hegedus adjourned the meeting at 12:05p.m. Sean Hammond moved the meeting be adjurned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Colleen Meek
ITFP Administrator

Meeting Minutes-October 19, 2017


Idaho Tree Farm Committee Meeting

9:30am- 12:00pm, Thursday, October 19th, 2017

University of Idaho Extension Office – Kootenai County

1808 N 3rd St. Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814


  • President Russ Hegedus called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m. Those present for all or part of the meeting were:
    1. Andy Eckberg, ITFC District 1 Chair/IFG
    2. Jane Thornes, PLT
    3. Jim Thornes, Tree Farmer
    4. Steve Cuvala, ITFC Treasure/Tree Farmer
    5. Tim Schaffer, ITFC District 2 Chair/BLP
    6. Steve Funk, ITFC Past Chair/Tree Farmer
    7. Janet Funk, ILRCC/Tree Farmer
    8. Chris Schnepf, ITFC/U of I Extension
    9. Colleen Meek, ITF Administrator
    10. Kurt Koetter, Tree Farmer of the Year
    11. Dan Meyers, Tree Farmer
    12. Ken Homik, IDL
    13. Russ Hegedus, ITFC President/IFG
    14. Sean Hammond, Vice President/Tree Farmer
    15. Erin Bradetich, ITFC Communications/IFG
    16. Doug Bradetich, IFG
  • Anti-Trust Statement 
  •         Russ Hegedus reviewed the Anti-Trust Statement with the       Committee.
    • Minutes Q2
    •  Doug read the Minutes for Q2, there was one correction, instead of Wildlife it should have said, Wildfire Response Committee. Doug Bradetich moved minutes approved and Sean Hammond seconded the motion. Motion carried
    • Russ Hegedus introduced the new administrator, Colleen Meek to the committee. 
  • Review of July’s Treasurer’s Report
  • Kurt Koetter moved and Doug Bradetich seconded to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
    1. Steve Cuvala gave the Treasurer’s Report and Doug Bradetich reviewed the 2017 Budget against actual income and expenditures as of October 16, 2017. All expenses are in line. IFG stumpage premiums will be considerably less than expected this year, 8-9k rather than expected 15k, due to inclement weather. Cash balance is currently $30,215.85 in the positive. It was suggested by Steve Funk to get 3-4 more IOTFY signs coming with estimate around $500.00 each. Sean Hammond approved and Steve Funk seconded. Motion carried.
  • ILRCC (Idaho Lands Resource Coordinating Council) Report Updates  
  • Janet Funk no updates.
  • Communications Report 
  • Communications Chair Erin Bradetich updated the Committee on communication efforts with Tree Farmers. Erin Bradetich and Doug Bradetich are currently working on a Fall Newsletter for distribution near the end of October. There were about 100 post cards mailed out. When the post cards are received back to the Tree Farm, the post cards all should go to the appropriate District Chair.
  • Old Business
  • 501(c)3 Status (Russ Hegedus)
  • The paper work is on its way to Boise as soon as the check is written and mailed.
  • Fall Field Tour Review 
  • Annual Fall Tour Saturday, September 9, 2017 was well attended with 82 family, friends, quests gathered at the home of Kurt and Sandy Koetter, Idaho Outstanding Tree Farmers for 2017. The group toured their Wood Wizard Tree Farm with stops including PCT, fire proofing near the home, noxious weed control, and light commercial harvest. Kurt Koetter mentioned he would have liked see to some press release for more notation. Jane and Jim Thornes suggested more signs getting to the location of the Tree Farm. Jim will check with his sign maker-cost of signs with wording FORESTRY EVENT with an ARROW.
  • New Business:

PLT Report “It is: SFI” (Jane Thornes) E-unit, making it handy for teachers.PLT anticipates drops in PLT funding due to:

    1. The new E-units are ready for teachers. These units include lesson plans, student pages, and other supporting materials online. The standards pop up throughout the
    2. Project Learning Tree is settling in with new sponsor Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) having been transferred from American Forest Foundation (AFF). SFI and PLT are getting to know each other better at the national level. The next step will be for SFI Implementation Committees and State PLT program to get better acquainted.
  1. Secure Rural Schools law was not reauthorized. PLT had successfully competed for about $15,000 per year from those funds. That funding no longer exists and doesn’t look likely to return.
  2. Federal funding is uncertain right now and likely to decrease more over time. A large amount of current PLT funding comes from BLM and USFS in various ways.

Jane indicated she and PLT greatly appreciate the support of all their sponsors, including Idaho Tree Farm. If ITF would like to contribute to the 2018 program, they welcome knowing by 11/15, if that is possible, so they can get things in their draft budget in time for the Steering Committee meeting.

It was suggested that Idaho Tree Farm donate to PLT $200 sent to Betty Munis, director of  the Idaho Forest Products Commission. Tim Schaffer approved, Doug Bradetich second. Motioned carried.

  • Andy Eckberg indicated there have been letters recently sent to landowners and loggers regarding the assessment for the Idaho Forest Products Commission. He asked, how it is determined who receives these. Per Russ anyone that delivers logs to Idaho mills will receive the letter.
  • Outstanding Tree Farmer, Inspector and Logger of the Year Selections for 2018:
  • President Russ announced the following recipients, which will be announced at the ITFP annual meeting in Moscow in March, 2018.
  1. Tree Farm of the Year-Brian Kroetch
  2. Logger of the Year-Luke Peterson
  3. Inspector of the Year-Steve Cuvala

Russ also let the committee know the Wood Family did not make the selection for the Regional Tree Farmer of the Year, although they continue to be an outstanding example of excellent Tree Farm stewardship and public outreach.

  1. National Leadership Conference

Attending the 2018 National Leadership Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico will be Russ Hegedus & Sean Hammonds.

  1. Required/Optional Inspections Update

All National Sample Required Inspections have been assigned and most have been completed. District I have 2 left to complete. District II has 4 to complete. District III has completed all their required inspections.

Optional and Pioneer – District 11 has 14 pioneers and 4 optional inspections to complete. ATFS National has offered grants to assist in bringing Pioneers up to certified status. The Committee continues to discuss potential plans to complete these.

  1. New Tree Farms and 004 Form Completion Emailed Updates

Russ reminded Colleen when 004 inspection forms have been fully completed and signed by all required parties, the Administrator will enter them into the database. Confirmation of their entry into the database will be sent via email to the Inspecting Forester and Landowner (if they’ve provided an email). A physical letter will also be sent to the Landowner’s mailing address recognizing their Tree Farm’s recertification to the updated standards. The new Tree Farms will receive welcome certificate and a letter of explanation.

  1. Laptop donated by Idaho Forest Group for the administrator.

Russ informed the committee that IFG donated a laptop computer to the ITFC. IFG  will provide the IT services for the computer. Idaho Tree Farm bought the software for the laptop.


Changed to GodwinMarketing Communications LLC (Candace Godwin) from Host  Gator Domain, there is only a $12.00 difference per year. Candace Godwin is out of Coeur d’Alene.

  • Other Business:
  • Next meeting date: Thursday, January 18, 2017, at the U of I Extension Office in Coeur d’ Alene, ID at 9:30 a.m. 
  • Additional Program Funding 
  • Russ reviewed how Washington and Montana are currently adding ways to come  up with more monies for their programs. Washington is suggesting a set amount per Tree Farmer. Montana is on fee system by Timber Companies. He also indicated how important the Idaho Department of Lands is for our Idaho program. The IDL provides 50 percent chapter help in our field inspections and it would be difficult if not impossible to continue without their level of support. To prepare for the upcoming audit it was suggested the ITFP request a $12 to $15 donation from tree farmers. This was discussed by the committee, but tabled with no action.
  • U of I Research Nursery-Seedlings – Root Section
  • There’s a need for more representation on the Advisory Committee, with an aim to be able to bring the latest research for forest nursery stock. It was suggested that the administrator of the Tree Farm with the help of Janet Funk prepare a letter to request a position to sit on the Advisory Committee. If approved the ITFC will need to appoint a volunteer to sit on the committee. Dan Meyers said, they’re collecting Douglas Fir cones with seedlings with a grant with IFM at Boundary county.
  • Family Forest Landowners and Managers Conference & Exposition/Tree Farm Annual Meeting will be in Moscow March 26 & 27, 2018
  • ITFC will work on the Roster for the 2018 year in January meeting.
  • Inspector training will co-ordinate with Russ and Kurt.
  • Adjourn
  • President Russ Hegedus adjourned the meeting at 11:34 a.m.
  • Respectfully Submitted,
  • Colleen Meek
  • ITFP Administrator