9:30am-12pm, Thursday, January 17, 2019
U of I Extension Office
1808 N 3rd St. Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815
1. Call to Order
President Sean Hammond called the meeting to order at 9:30a.m. Those present for all or part of the meeting were:
Sean Hammond, ITFC Chairman/ Tree Farmer
Doug Bradetich, ITFC Budget/ IFG
Kurt Koetter, IFOA/Tree Farmer
Andy Eckberg, ITFC District 1 Chair/IFG
Steve Funk, IFOA/Tree Farmer
Janet Funk, ILRCC/Tree Farmer
Colleen Meek, ITFC Administrator
Madeline David, ITF Incoming Treasurer/Tree Farmer
Kirk David, IFOA/Tree Farmer
Robbie Easley, IDL
Tim Schaffer, ITFC District 2 Chair/BLP
Steve Cuvala, ITFC Outgoing Treasurer/IDL
Mary Fritz, IDL/ITFC Certification Chair/IDL
Matt Engberg, Inspector Training Facilitator/NWM
Russ Hegedus, ITFC Past Chairman/IFG
John Lillehaug ,ITFC District 3 Chair/ All About Forestry
Scott Sievers, IDL
Erin Bradetich, ITFC Communication Chair/IFG
Chris Schnepf, UI
2. Anti-Trust Statement
Sean Hammond reviewed the Anti-Trust Statement with the Committee.
3. Look over and review and approve Q4 Meeting Minutes
Sean asked if there’s any correction to the 4th Quarter Meeting Minutes. Russ Hegedus moved we accept as read. Andy Eckberg Seconded the Motion, with voice vote, the motion passed.
4. Review Q4 2018 Treasurer’s Report
Steve Cuvala presented the Treasurer’s Report Program Funding year to December 31, 2018. Cash balance is currently $33,098.19 in the positive. Income for 2018 is 24, 404.66. Total expenses for 2018 was 19,403.13. ITFC received a check from ATFS for required inspections completed, which will be deposited in 2019. There’s was one expense recorded in 2019 as of date. Current balance to date for 2019 is $33,825.01.
Kirk David moved we file the treasure’s report for review. Andy Eckberg seconded the motion. With a voice vote the motion passed.
5. Review Budget
Doug and Sean had got together the week prior to prepare a draft budget. Doug went over the budget with the committee. It was asked if Steve Funk will do the OTFOY sign again, he said yes, he would. John Lillehaug asked about the “Forestry for Southern Idaho Tour”, budgeted for $500. It was discussed about the Family Forest Landowner Conference, payment was paid of $65 for registration for a display table. Regarding funds to cover the assessment, Doug let the committee know that National will pay $1000 now and $100 per each of the 20 audit sites later this summer for a total of $3000. The budget stands as approved. Kirk David moved approval of the budget, Andy Eckberg seconded the motion. With a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.
6. Communications Report
Communication Chair, Erin Bradetich, said there will be a newsletter coming out soon. She had the Family Forest Landowners & Managers meeting but needed more topics for the Newsletter. It was suggested to enter about the audit to continue letting people know what is happening. A list of tree farmers was chosen to be assessed by PricewaterHouseCoopers (PwC). Per Mary Fritz it will be an opportunity to show off their tree farm. Discussion about the NRCS meeting that the EQIP application had a deadline of two weeks, which several of the tree farmers felt it was not acceptable. Chris Schnepf suggested an article might serve as a reminder. Chris did say UI Extension does have a 3-month schedule of events published. Sean asked if it was necessary for contractors to preregister for LEAP training and Chris indicate, yes, that is a requirement.
7. Old Business
a. Procedures for Dues implementation & update by-laws
Sean requested to table these topics until after the audit is over. Kurt Koetter voiced a motion to curtail until the July meeting. Steve Funk seconded the motion. With a voice vote, the motion passed.
b. Let the committee know who the Inspector of the year is for 2018, Robbie Easley.
Russ Hegedus introduced Robbie Easley to the committee. Tim Schaffer nominated Robbie Easley for the Inspector of Year.
c. Filled positions for the Idaho Tree Committee for 2019-2020
Vice President-Open
Treasurer – Madeline David. Kurt Koetter made a motion to nominate Madeline as Treasurer. Mary Fritz seconded the motion. With a voice vote, the motion passed Madeline as Treasurer. It was discussed if Madeline should take over the position in April or now (January). Madeline felt it would be better to accept position at the beginning of a year. It was agreed she would begin immediately.
Budget Subcommittee: Doug Bradetich will continue as chair.
Communication Subcommittee: Erin Bradetich will continue as chair.
d. Audit 2019
The audit preparation meeting was January 16, 2019 with Kristina Duff. There were 20 Tree Farmers picked to be assessed by PricewaterHouseCoopers (PwC). The tree farms picked for the 2019 assessment are located at Idaho, Valley, Shoshone, and Benewah counties. It’s very important to all the tree farmers that were picked to make sure their management plans are up to current standards as soon as possible. Per ATFS Standards of Sustainability, the contiguous & non-contiguous parcel issues need to be corrected. Karen of PwC was very impressed with Idaho getting a premium for logs from tree farmers. Mary Fritz asked to meet with the district chairs & any inspectors that are on the list right after the ITFC meeting.
8. New Business
a. Idaho Lands Resource Coordinating Council (ILRCC) Report-Janet Funk
Janet Funk reported there was a meeting Nov 1st in Coeur d’Alene. The biggest focus is on Priority Landscape for all lands. The Forest Action Plan-Purpose is to help landowners and managers in Idaho identify projects and activities that reduce threats to forests. How to format maps with GPS, size pixels, how its effects water quality, wildfires and could allow crew members to be more aware of their location. They could improve safety. The ecosystem benefits the forests.
Environmental or Climate Change- Governor Little, Says Climate change is real and here. Per Chris Schnepf the government did research on Climate change.
Good Neighbor Authority-Private property with needs-up and coming discussion.
b. Project Learning Tree (PLT) Report-Mary Fritz
Due to computer connectivity issues, Mary Fritz was not able to access all of her records at the meeting but reported there were no major issues regarding PLT to report on at this time.
c. 2019 NLC will be held in Louisville, Kentucky on Feb 26-28th, 2019. Erin Bradetich & John Lellehaug will be attending.
Theme: “Growing Forest Conservation, Together”
d. IFOA/Tree Farm Annual Moscow Meeting, March 24-26, 2019.
1. What to get or signs Tree Farmer of Year-Larry Cook, Logger of Year-Thomas Mackey, & Inspector of Year-Robbie Easley.
Steve Funk volunteered to make the sign and plaques.
2. Inspector gifts & awards-ideas?
Sean Hammond suggested no more vests, but Robbie Easley said he would take a vest, size XL.
John Lillehaug suggested gift cards or certificates, since a lot of inspectors have a quality of hats and t-shirts. Chris Schnepf suggested using Zome in Spokane for printing, Kirk suggested Bob Faulkner, and Russ suggested Pyramid Printing locally in CDA. It was suggested that we get more hats and a few winter hats with ear flaps. It was asked do all inspectors have to be graduate foresters? The answer was yes or have taken a range of required forestry classes.
It was suggested inspector with 1 tree farm-a $15.00 gift certificate, 5 and over more monies.
3. Handouts for Family Forest Landowner Conference
One suggestion was hat tac. It was suggested to ask National what they have available for outreach.
4. No Host Bar for the Awards ceremony & then dessert hour for the P.O.Y. What changes would we like to see this year?
Per Kirk David the FFLOC social that was held previously in the mall will be in Best Western this year, prior to the ITFC meeting. The FFLOC Steering Committee would like to combine with the ITFC social hour and split the cost between ITFC and FFL&MC, hoping more people will attend. Doug Bradetich moved to combine FFL&MC and ITFC Social and Kurt Koetter seconded the motion. Janet Funk suggested instead of having the dessert hour in another room have it in the same room as the social and meeting. Janet thought if we got a big cake everyone can enjoy it and visit. Sean moved that we have dessert in the same room. Madeline David seconded the motion. With a voice vote, the motion passed.
e. Inspections for 2019
1. Required: District 1 19 District 2 1 District 3 1
2. Optional: District 1 36 District 2 12 District 3 2
3. Pioneer: District 1 0 District 2 2 District 3 0
f. May 1-2, 2019 Fly In
Per Kirk David, IFOA and ITF split the cost, when Marcus Smith went last time. He would like to go again this year. The Fly-In is every two years. The date for the Fly-In is May 1 & 2, 2019.
Doug Bradetich moved to add $250 to the budget for the Fly-In. John Lillehaug seconded the motion, with a voice vote, the motion passed.
9. Other Business
John Lillehaug introduced his replacement at the IDL office, Scott Sievers. Scott will also become a tree farm inspector.
a. Next meeting date: Thursday, April 18, 2019
Colleen Meek asked for suggestions on a location if the fire hall isn’t available in April. ITF will have the July and October meetings at the UI Extension Office. Janet Funk volunteered their barn for our April meeting if the fire hall isn’t available.
10. Adjourn
Sean Hammond adjourned the meeting at 11:20a.m.
Respectfully submitted by,
Colleen Meek
ITFP Administrator