ITFC Meeting Minutes April 2015

Idaho Tree Farm Committee Meeting
9:00 – 12:00, Thursday, April 16, 2015
Kootenai County Extension Office
1808 N. 3rd Street, Coeur d’ Alene, ID 83814
1) Call to Order

ITFC Chair Funk called the meeting to order at 9:04 a.m. Those present were:
Amanda Cutting, ITFC Administrator/ R&A
Savannah Miller, ITFC/ R&A
Steve Funk, ITFC Chairman
G. Kirk David, ITFC
Madeline David, ITFC
Robert Barkley, District II Chair/ IDL
Robert Keefe, U of I
Doug Bradetich, ITFC Past Chair/ IFG (Proxy: Russ Hegedus, Andy Eckberg, & Steve Cuvala)
Frank Gariglio, USDA/NRCS
John Lillehaug, ITFC District III Chair
Janet Funk, Tree Farmer
Kurt Koetter, Tree Farmer
Ray Getchius, Tree Farmer
Don Heikkila, Tree Farmer

2) Anti-Trust Statement

Chair Funk called the meeting at 9:04 a.m.

3) Minutes of April Meeting
John Lillehaug moved, Rob Keefe seconded. Motion was approved for January 2015 minutes.
4) 2015 Treasurer Report / Budget Review
Past Chair Bradetich reviewed the 2015 budget as of April 13, 2015. Budget started at $7191.17 as of January 1, 2015. Received $9,651.57 from IFG and current balance is $17,804.76. Motion to approve the budget accepted by Frank Gariglio, John Lillehaug seconded. Motion approved.
5) Old Business
A) Progress on Audit Preparation: The Roady Tree Farm (TF # 2248) was replaced with the alternate, Stern TF # 3074 (210 acres). All plans have been submitted, still missing some pre-planning sheets. Past Chair Bradetich made some slight corrections to the Farnsworth non-contiguous parcels.

B) Save the Date for Audit Days: June 2-4, 2015
District chair (I, II, or III), Chairman Funk, and an Auditor will be the only ones on the audit sites.

C) Discussion and Adoption of Bylaw Changes: Last update was 2012. Chair Funk suggested that Tree Farm should have a financial review committee. Any committee/ board members that have been unexcused (twice or more) or are unable to attend committee meetings should be considered for removal from the board. Lack of participation makes quorums difficult.
Past Chair Bradetich suggested that the Administrator should have a segment of the agenda for future meetings to educate committee members of any updates, changes, questions, or concerns from the administrative perspective.
ITFC reviewed proposed changes to sections 1-5 of the By-Laws and will resume revisions with number 6 (Financials) at the next meeting. ITFC will conduct a vote at the July 2015 meeting to accept changes.
6) Inspector Training and Recognition Subcommittee Report – Kirk David
On April 1, 2015, 22 inspectors participated in the inspector training in Moscow, Idaho in accordance to the new 2015-2020 Standards. Everyone who took the training was updated in the database to give them an active inspector status. Everyone who took their training online should be automatically updated in the system. Handbooks were distributed to participants and each inspector got a certificate for completion of the training. All old non-entered 004 forms will need to be transferred to the new 004 forms and resigned so that they can be properly entered into the database. July 10, 2015 is the next inspector training (for Idaho and Washington) located in Hayden, Idaho. Details to follow. New inspectors are not able to participate in online training. They must participate in a mandatory 4 hour, in person, training session.
7) Save the Date: TFOY Tour at Oscar Baumhoff’s Property: Sept. 12th, 2015
A) Prepare for Tour: Baumhoff, Kennedy, & Lillehaug
Would like to spend one full day on the Baumhoff property. Committee members from North Idaho would have to find lodging for two nights. Time frame: Coffee from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. Tour starts at 9:00 a.m. Idaho Tree Farm Committee will pay for the lunch which starts at noon. Decide on whether to cater the lunch or bring bagged lunches to the field site.
8) New Business
A) Vote on Certification for ITFC: Robert Barkley moved to have the Idaho Tree Farm Program to continue as a certified program in the state of Idaho. Madeline seconded. Motion unanimously approved.
B) Save the Date: U of I School Field Campus Tour: Sept. 26th 2015. Rob Keefe will provide more information in the near future.
C) ILRCC (Idaho Lands Resource Coordinating Council) – Madeline David
Madeline provided an overview of most recent discussions of the ILRCC. The David’s will be out of town for the next ILRCC meeting in June (in Moscow) and would like an alternate member of Tree Farm to attend the meeting. Rob Keefe said he may be able to attend but would not be able to act as a Tree Farm Representative.
9) Review ITFC Events at the FFLC (Family Forest Landowner’s Conference & Exposition): Chair Funk
Overall, great turn out at the FFLC. All presentations went well!
10) Other Business:
A) Chair Funk would like to add Jane Thornes to the ITFC, PLT (Project Learning Tree) position.
B) John Lillehaug: Save the Date for Forestry Tour in Southern Idaho on May 21st, 2015 in New Meadows, ID. Idaho Tree Farm Committee plans to sponsor the coffee social again this year.
C) Chair Funk Adjourned the meeting at 12:00 p.m.

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