April 18, 2018 ITF Committee Minutes


Idaho Tree Farm Committee Program

9:30am-12pm, Thursday, April 19, 2018

University of Idaho Extension Office Kootenai County – 1808 N 3rd St – CDA, ID 83814


  1. Call to Order

President Russ Hegedus called the meeting to order at 9:30am. Those present for all or part of the meeting      were:

Russ Hegedus, ITFC President

Sean Hammond, ITFC Vice President, Tree Farmer

Doug Bradetich, IFG

Erin Bradetich, IFTF Communications Chair/IFG

Andy Eckberg, ITFC District 1 Chair/IFG

Jane Thornes, PLT

Jim Thornes, Tree Farmer

Tim Schaffer, ITFC District 2 Chair/BLP

Steve Funk, IFOA/Tree Farmer

Janet Funk, ILRCC/Tree Farmer

Chris Schnepf, ITFC/U of I Extension

Colleen Meek, ITF Administrator

Madeline David, IFOA

Kirk David, IFOA

Tom Bollacker, Tree Farmer

Dan Meyer, Tree Farmer

John Lillehaug, ITFC District 3 Chair

Mary Fritz, IDL

Kurt Koetter, Tree Farmer

  1. Anti-Trust Statement

Russ Hegedus reviewed the Anti-Trust Statement with the Committee.

  1. Look over and review Q1 Meeting Minutes

Kirk David pointed out there was one correction in the minutes in New minutes, section j-IFO/Tree Annual Moscow Winter Meeting March 25th-27th, 2018. The word plague should say plaque. Sean Hammond approved minutes, Doug Bradetich seconded. Motion accepted unanimously.

  1. Review Q1 2018 Treasurer’s Report

Doug Bradetich represented Steve Cuvala in his absence at the meeting. The Treasurer’s Report Program Funding year to date $3,427.82. Beginning balance as of 1/1/18 was $28,097.66. Cash balance is currently $31,525.48 in the positive.

Doug went over the new budget for 2018. Russ suggested the rate $500 for Program Supplies & Equipment to raised to $1000, since projectors & screen are priced higher. Donation for the teacher tour was $250 raised to $500 and took off $250 on DC. Doug Bradetich moved to approve the treasurer report and Kurt Koetter seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Sean Hammond moved approval of the 2018 Budget, Kurt Koetter seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

  1. Communications Report

Communication Chair, Erin Bradetich, updated the committee that another newsletter should be coming out in another couple weeks.

  1. Old Business
  2. 501c3 Status and CPA Updates (Colleen Meek)

The CPA, (Matthew Peterson) sent in the 1023EZ report (Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code) to the IRS which cost $275 to file on line. Colleen Meek called the IRS April 4th, 2018 to find out the status of the 1023EZ report. The report just went into review and it will take 4 to 6 weeks, around mid-May, to receive a written answer nay or yay from the IRS. The gentleman at the IRS did say to have the CPA file the 990N form, since it’s due May 16th. Colleen called Mr. Peterson, he will file the 990N form. When the letter is received from the IRS a copy will be sent to Mr. Peterson.

  1. Moscow Spring Meeting roughly 80 people in attendance.

Madeline David was wondering how DC will charge a Tree Farmer by the tree farms or per tree farmer for the cost of SFI certificates. It is actually by tree farmer. AFF will be passing part of the cost of 3rd party forest certification on the states. The committee decided to charge by tree farm but it will have a cap for the tree farmers that have multiple tree farms which will be $50.00. The $10 will go towards the 2019 audit also. Doug Bradetich made a motion to charge $10 per tree farm with a cap of $50. Kurt Koetter seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Chris Schnepf suggested putting testimonials about the $10 fee in the newsletter. Mary Fritz asked, if everyone has a good email address. Not all tree farmers have an email address and there’s a few with bad addresses. John Lillehaug suggested that getting the monies from the tree farmers earlier, move the date up to July. John Lillehaug moved to have a committee get together to find out the correct number of tree farms and have a logic approach for implementing a billing system for the tree farmers. Chris Schnepf seconded the motion. Russ asked for volunteers to be on the committee. Doug Bradetich, John Lillehaug, Tim Schaffer, and Colleen Meek will be on the committee. The committee will contact Madeline and Kirk David to see how IFOA has handled their billing issues.

  1. UI Nursery Advisory Committee consolidated a seat for IFOA and ID Tree Farm.

Janet Funk talked about different representatives on the Nursery Advisory Committee. It was suggested by a member of the tree farm maybe they should consolidate the IFOA and ID Tree Farm voting position. Members of the Tree Farm Committee felt comments were misguided and unauthorized. It’s believed all tree organizations should have their own representation on the UI Nursery Advisory Committee. Kurt Koetter moved that to accept the letter that was written to rescind the motion regarding the “NIPF” (Non-Industrial Private Forestland) representation and restore the committee members to their previous designations. Sean Hammond seconded the motion. Majority in favor.

  1. New Business
  2. PLT Report (Jane Thornes)

ID-SFI annual meeting voted funding new units. PLT will be focusing on workshops, core subjects and activities for 6th to 12th grades. There were 43 teachers that went on tour. Stem outreach-grant ID State ED-donated by Clearwater Paper. There were nearly 200 photographs submitted. The Photo contest winners: Grand Price and winner 11-12th grade was Miranda Fry. 10-11 Kaden Grow, 7-8 Tegan Garrison and 5-6 Elise Pearse.

PLT offers Forestry Grants up to $1000 to schools and youth organizations for environmental projects. May is Wildfire Awareness Month.

Jane announced it would be her last meeting representing PLT. Mary Fritz will be taking her position.

  1. ILRCC Report (Janet Funk)

The ILRCC Assessment Core Team continues to work on the updates and revisions to the Forest Action Plan. Attention has been heavily focused on the forests “Threats and Benefits” section of the FAP.

The Western Fire Manager grants were reviewed and found to be within the scope of action, and the funding limits.

The LSR (Landscape Scale Restoration) projects were reviewed.

The Forest Legacy Program update showed that the Hall Mountain/Kootenai Valley project (3281 acres) has been funded. There are two other projects that are in “application status”. The Legacy Program, to date, has 30 purchased conservation easements on 95,768 acres, and 8 donated conservation easements on 2661 acres. Approximately 86,200 acres are open to public recreation, free of charge, in perpetuity.


A report on the Treasure Valley Carbon study was given. Among other things, it shows that tree canopy in an urban setting has more monetary value, for carbon sequestration, than the same amount of canopy in a forest setting.


  1. Forestry Contest Athol, Idaho – May 10, 2018 at Careywood-Delay Tree Farm-mile marker 454 W side of 95 – Forestry Contest will start at 9:30. Volunteers should arrive by 7:45a.m. Kurt Koetter needs volunteers to help clean up on April 20, 2018. On April 25th they will be setting up for the contest. Karen Robinson of IDL, is the organizer to contact if a person would like to volunteer.


  1. Forestry in Southern Idaho Tour, Wed May 16th, Council, ID.

John Lillehaug is the contact person regarding the tour. John said, everything is set to go. Russ Hegedus and Tim Schaffer will be attending the tour.


  1. Inspector training and certification chair (open)

Russ Hegedus said, the position is still open. Madeline David suggest asking a retired person that might like to help with the training for inspectors.


  1. Inspections update by District Chairs

Required: What has been assigned & what’s been turned in.

District 1 has done 7 required and 12 left. District 2 has 2 required to be done. District 3 had 1 required and that has been completed.


Optional and Pioneer’s What has been done?

There has been 8 optional done. There are 40 left which majority of the optional have been assigned to inspectors.


  1. 004 Form completion (make sure and fill all the appropriate areas)


  1. The vote on assessing each tree farmer a $10.00 annual fee per tree farm number to cover the cost of SFI Certification. The vote on assessing the tree farmer an annual fee of $10.00 was discussed earlier in the meeting.


  1. Kroetch Family Fall Tour – September 8, 2018 Prep:
  2. Brainstorm ideas and points of interest to assist landowner.
  3. Tour Attendance: How many might come, any guesses

Brian Kroetch wasn’t in attendance at the meeting. Russ Hegedus will circle back with Brian.


  1. Remind Landowners and Inspectors One Plan Template does include Stewardship.

Russ Hegedus suggested the inspectors remind the landowners that One Plan Template does include Stewardship.

If, they have Stewardship they can be dual involved.


  1. Other Business
  2. Next Meeting date: Thursday, July 19, 2018.


  1. Adjourn

Russ Hegedus adjourned the meeting at 12:00p.m. Doug Bradetich moved the meeting be adjourned. Sean Hammond seconded, motion carried unanimously.



Colleen Meek

ITFP Administrator





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