Idaho Tree Farm Committee Meeting
9:30am- 12:00pm, Thursday, October 19th, 2017
University of Idaho Extension Office – Kootenai County
1808 N 3rd St. Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814
- President Russ Hegedus called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m. Those present for all or part of the meeting were:
- Andy Eckberg, ITFC District 1 Chair/IFG
- Jane Thornes, PLT
- Jim Thornes, Tree Farmer
- Steve Cuvala, ITFC Treasure/Tree Farmer
- Tim Schaffer, ITFC District 2 Chair/BLP
- Steve Funk, ITFC Past Chair/Tree Farmer
- Janet Funk, ILRCC/Tree Farmer
- Chris Schnepf, ITFC/U of I Extension
- Colleen Meek, ITF Administrator
- Kurt Koetter, Tree Farmer of the Year
- Dan Meyers, Tree Farmer
- Ken Homik, IDL
- Russ Hegedus, ITFC President/IFG
- Sean Hammond, Vice President/Tree Farmer
- Erin Bradetich, ITFC Communications/IFG
- Doug Bradetich, IFG
- Anti-Trust Statement
- Russ Hegedus reviewed the Anti-Trust Statement with the Committee.
- Minutes Q2
- Doug read the Minutes for Q2, there was one correction, instead of Wildlife it should have said, Wildfire Response Committee. Doug Bradetich moved minutes approved and Sean Hammond seconded the motion. Motion carried
- Russ Hegedus introduced the new administrator, Colleen Meek to the committee.
- Review of July’s Treasurer’s Report
- Kurt Koetter moved and Doug Bradetich seconded to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
- Steve Cuvala gave the Treasurer’s Report and Doug Bradetich reviewed the 2017 Budget against actual income and expenditures as of October 16, 2017. All expenses are in line. IFG stumpage premiums will be considerably less than expected this year, 8-9k rather than expected 15k, due to inclement weather. Cash balance is currently $30,215.85 in the positive. It was suggested by Steve Funk to get 3-4 more IOTFY signs coming with estimate around $500.00 each. Sean Hammond approved and Steve Funk seconded. Motion carried.
- ILRCC (Idaho Lands Resource Coordinating Council) Report Updates
- Janet Funk no updates.
- Communications Report
- Communications Chair Erin Bradetich updated the Committee on communication efforts with Tree Farmers. Erin Bradetich and Doug Bradetich are currently working on a Fall Newsletter for distribution near the end of October. There were about 100 post cards mailed out. When the post cards are received back to the Tree Farm, the post cards all should go to the appropriate District Chair.
- Old Business
- 501(c)3 Status (Russ Hegedus)
- The paper work is on its way to Boise as soon as the check is written and mailed.
- Fall Field Tour Review
- Annual Fall Tour Saturday, September 9, 2017 was well attended with 82 family, friends, quests gathered at the home of Kurt and Sandy Koetter, Idaho Outstanding Tree Farmers for 2017. The group toured their Wood Wizard Tree Farm with stops including PCT, fire proofing near the home, noxious weed control, and light commercial harvest. Kurt Koetter mentioned he would have liked see to some press release for more notation. Jane and Jim Thornes suggested more signs getting to the location of the Tree Farm. Jim will check with his sign maker-cost of signs with wording FORESTRY EVENT with an ARROW.
- New Business:
PLT Report “It is: SFI” (Jane Thornes) E-unit, making it handy for teachers.PLT anticipates drops in PLT funding due to:
- The new E-units are ready for teachers. These units include lesson plans, student pages, and other supporting materials online. The standards pop up throughout the
- Project Learning Tree is settling in with new sponsor Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) having been transferred from American Forest Foundation (AFF). SFI and PLT are getting to know each other better at the national level. The next step will be for SFI Implementation Committees and State PLT program to get better acquainted.
- Secure Rural Schools law was not reauthorized. PLT had successfully competed for about $15,000 per year from those funds. That funding no longer exists and doesn’t look likely to return.
- Federal funding is uncertain right now and likely to decrease more over time. A large amount of current PLT funding comes from BLM and USFS in various ways.
Jane indicated she and PLT greatly appreciate the support of all their sponsors, including Idaho Tree Farm. If ITF would like to contribute to the 2018 program, they welcome knowing by 11/15, if that is possible, so they can get things in their draft budget in time for the Steering Committee meeting.
It was suggested that Idaho Tree Farm donate to PLT $200 sent to Betty Munis, director of the Idaho Forest Products Commission. Tim Schaffer approved, Doug Bradetich second. Motioned carried.
- Andy Eckberg indicated there have been letters recently sent to landowners and loggers regarding the assessment for the Idaho Forest Products Commission. He asked, how it is determined who receives these. Per Russ anyone that delivers logs to Idaho mills will receive the letter.
- Outstanding Tree Farmer, Inspector and Logger of the Year Selections for 2018:
- President Russ announced the following recipients, which will be announced at the ITFP annual meeting in Moscow in March, 2018.
- Tree Farm of the Year-Brian Kroetch
- Logger of the Year-Luke Peterson
- Inspector of the Year-Steve Cuvala
Russ also let the committee know the Wood Family did not make the selection for the Regional Tree Farmer of the Year, although they continue to be an outstanding example of excellent Tree Farm stewardship and public outreach.
- National Leadership Conference
Attending the 2018 National Leadership Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico will be Russ Hegedus & Sean Hammonds.
- Required/Optional Inspections Update
All National Sample Required Inspections have been assigned and most have been completed. District I have 2 left to complete. District II has 4 to complete. District III has completed all their required inspections.
Optional and Pioneer – District 11 has 14 pioneers and 4 optional inspections to complete. ATFS National has offered grants to assist in bringing Pioneers up to certified status. The Committee continues to discuss potential plans to complete these.
- New Tree Farms and 004 Form Completion Emailed Updates
Russ reminded Colleen when 004 inspection forms have been fully completed and signed by all required parties, the Administrator will enter them into the database. Confirmation of their entry into the database will be sent via email to the Inspecting Forester and Landowner (if they’ve provided an email). A physical letter will also be sent to the Landowner’s mailing address recognizing their Tree Farm’s recertification to the updated standards. The new Tree Farms will receive welcome certificate and a letter of explanation.
- Laptop donated by Idaho Forest Group for the administrator.
Russ informed the committee that IFG donated a laptop computer to the ITFC. IFG will provide the IT services for the computer. Idaho Tree Farm bought the software for the laptop.
Changed to GodwinMarketing Communications LLC (Candace Godwin) from Host Gator Domain, there is only a $12.00 difference per year. Candace Godwin is out of Coeur d’Alene.
- Other Business:
- Next meeting date: Thursday, January 18, 2017, at the U of I Extension Office in Coeur d’ Alene, ID at 9:30 a.m.
- Additional Program Funding
- Russ reviewed how Washington and Montana are currently adding ways to come up with more monies for their programs. Washington is suggesting a set amount per Tree Farmer. Montana is on fee system by Timber Companies. He also indicated how important the Idaho Department of Lands is for our Idaho program. The IDL provides 50 percent chapter help in our field inspections and it would be difficult if not impossible to continue without their level of support. To prepare for the upcoming audit it was suggested the ITFP request a $12 to $15 donation from tree farmers. This was discussed by the committee, but tabled with no action.
- U of I Research Nursery-Seedlings – Root Section
- There’s a need for more representation on the Advisory Committee, with an aim to be able to bring the latest research for forest nursery stock. It was suggested that the administrator of the Tree Farm with the help of Janet Funk prepare a letter to request a position to sit on the Advisory Committee. If approved the ITFC will need to appoint a volunteer to sit on the committee. Dan Meyers said, they’re collecting Douglas Fir cones with seedlings with a grant with IFM at Boundary county.
- Family Forest Landowners and Managers Conference & Exposition/Tree Farm Annual Meeting will be in Moscow March 26 & 27, 2018
- ITFC will work on the Roster for the 2018 year in January meeting.
- Inspector training will co-ordinate with Russ and Kurt.
- Adjourn
- President Russ Hegedus adjourned the meeting at 11:34 a.m.
- Respectfully Submitted,
- Colleen Meek
- ITFP Administrator
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