Idaho Tree Farm Minutes – July 19, 2018

Idaho Tree Farm Committee Program
9:30am-12pm, Thursday, July 19, 2018
University of Idaho Extension Office Kootenai County – 1808 N 3rd St – CDA, ID 83814

1. Call to Order
President Russ Hegedus called the meeting to order at 9:34a.m. Those present for all or part of the meeting were:
Russ Hegedus, ITFC President
Sean Hammond, ITFC Vice President, Tree Farmer
Doug Bradetich, IFG
Erin Bradetich, IFTF Communications Chair/IFG
Andy Eckberg, ITFC District 1 Chair/IFG
Tim Schaffer, ITFC District 2 Chair/BLP
Steve Funk, IFOA/Tree Farmer
Janet Funk, ILRCC/Tree Farmer
Remington Daniels, IFG
Colleen Meek, ITF Administrator
Madeline David, IFOA
Kirk David, IFOA
Tom Bollacker, Tree Farmer
Dan Meyer, Tree Farmer
Rob Keefe, UI Exp Forest
Mary Fritz, IDL
Kirk Sehlmeyer, NRCS
Brian Kroetch, Tree Farmer, Kroetch Land & Timber Co

2. Anti-Trust Statement
Russ Hegedus reviewed the Anti-Trust Statement with the Committee.

3. Look over and review Q2 Meeting Minutes
Sean Hammond approved April 19, 2018 minutes as read, Tim Schaffer seconded. Motion accepted unanimously.

4. Review Q2 2018 Treasurer’s Report
Doug Bradetich represented Steve Cuvala in his absence at the meeting. The Treasurer’s Report Program Funding year to date $5335.89. Beginning balance as of 1/1/18 was $28,097.66. Cash balance is currently $33,433.55 in the positive.
Doug went over the current budget for 2018. Discussed prep fees for taxes. It should be budgeted for taxes each year. Program funding from National was discussed from the required Tree Farm inspections. It was discussed after the survey with Edge if a tree farmer that hasn’t be heard from their Tree Farm will be put on Pioneer for 2 years & if not heard from by then, that Tree Farm will be decertified. Any Tree Farm that has been put on Pioneer will not be charged a fee for audit. Tree farmer dues will be put on hold until after October since there’s a data cleanup for the state of Idaho by National & Edge Research. The estimate cost could be anywhere from $8 to 12. It was suggested maybe the tree farmers should just be charged $15.00 per year. It was discussed that IFG incentive is around $16.000.00 per year. Southern Tour was a little more than budgeted for due to motel rooms and doesn’t have all the receipts for supplies. Doug hasn’t seen any receipts for Forestry Idaho Legislative. There haven’t been signs ordered this year. Sean Hammond moved approval of the 2018 Budget, Rob Keefe seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

5. Communications Report
Communication Chair, Erin Bradetich, updated the committee that another newsletter should be coming out towards the end of the month. Doug asked for suggestions for more topics for the newsletter. Suggestion were as follows: More regarding Edge survey, Assessment of audit, Teachers tour (43 plus 6 IDL and other tree farmers to fill about 80 attendees, and Mary suggested Stewardship One Plan.

6. Old Business
a. Forestry in Southern Idaho Tour, May 16th, 2018, 58 folks attended.
The attendees were very pleased with the tour. Russ Hegedus and Tim Schaffer attended the tour.

b. Inspector training Chair filled with Matt Engberg.
Not present due to unseen circumstances. He’ll follow up with Andy Eckberg, Tim Schaffer, and John Lillehaug on the 2020-2025 guidelines.

c. National survey by Edge Contracting to clean up database.
The data cleanup is free for the state and takes about 5 months. The research should be done around the end of October. The Tree Farm Program should know how many certified tree farmers are still in the program, husband & wife will be as one tree farmer. The cost is figured by annual fee divided by certified tree farmers equals the annual cost. Hopefully by April 1st, 2019 the billing will be mailed. Janet Funk suggested maybe have a 1-year, a 3-year payment and a 5-year payment, let the tree farmer have an option. The discussion was curtailed until more is known after the National & Edge Research study is done.

7. New Business
a. PLT Report (Mary Fritz)
Couldn’t be present for the meeting. There will be an Opinion Leaders Tour in September.

b. ILRCC Report (Janet Funk)
The ILRCC meeting was at Idaho Falls, Idaho. They went on couple of tours. Urban Forestry shaded town on the river walk. The city energy is generated from the Snake River. The IDL restoration project in on a portion of the Teton Creek close to the eastern edge of Idaho.

Valley like Horseshoe area protect the homes with a belt of Aspen Trees. The Aspen is fuel break to stop fires. USFS is doing a study claiming the strategy Aspens doesn’t burn like conifers. If a person looks up in the middle of the valley you can see how it was built with the Aspens.

The LSR (Landscape Scale Restoration) projects were reviewed. How to adjust the budget.

The Forest Legacy Program update the Switzer got dropped off (prevent development on the backside). Switzer will reapply.

The Forest Action Plan is continuing-shows risks and benefits. There’s a map that shows the risks.

There will be a discussion on the moth outbreak. There will be a Climate conference October 9th/10th. The next meeting for ILRCC will be in October.

c. Database cleanup timing & events & Goals (Colleen)
Discussion on this topic has been done earlier in the agenda.

8. Inspections Update by District Chairs

a. Required: What’s been assigned & what’s been done?
District 1 – 9 left and all has been assigned except 1 District 2 – 2 to be done District 3 – zero left

b. Optional and Pioneer’s – What’s been done?
District 1 – 17 left to be done & not all has been assigned an inspector District 2 – 16 left District 3 – 5 left

c. We are discussing candidates for Outstanding Award of the Year.
Tim Schaffer had a prospect for Tree Farmer of the Year, Forever Green Tree Farm (Larry Cook). He has 60 acres of timber at St. Maries.
Sean Hammond had a prospect for logger of the year. Gary Jenkins, he’s been logging Warren Smith’s property for over 10 years.
Janet Funk suggested the Tree Farm Program can have a tour on the suggested tree farmer and logger.

There will be Outreach Forest Owner Tour in Bonners Ferry, September 14th. Headed by Clinton McKlintock.

d. 004 Form Completion (make sure and fill all the appropriate areas)
Russ asked that the RP number be included on the legal.

9. The vote on assessing each tree farmer a nominal annual fee per tree farmer as a family unit which is expected to be between $8.00-$12.00 per year to cover the cost of SFI Certification is on hold until the database has been updated around mid-October. November National wants us to roll non-respronders to Pioneer w 004 form and they won’t be audited.
This topic was discussed earlier in the meeting. The non-responded tree farmers will be moved to Pioneer. The audit will be July 2019.

10. Kroetch Family Fall Tour September 8, 2018 Prep:
a. Brainstorm ideas and points of interest to assist landowner
Brian would like to set up the tent, chairs etc. at the south fork gate. Will meet on the Mica Bay Land Company property about 11 miles S of Coeur d’Alene on Whitlaw Road through the gate.
Brian would like to have the tour look at an active job first. This will be 1 hour to 2 hours. Erin Bradetich suggested that this been done before lunch.
Tour should be mentioned in the newspaper and newsletter. Kirk David will mention the tour in the IFOA newsletter.

b. Tour attendance: How many might come, any guesses…
Could be around 75-80

c. Who can help with tasks of tour. Tent, chairs, honey buckets, barbeque, beverages
Janet & Steve will get a hold of Schafflemeyer to cater the barbeque and will check if they have chairs for the tour.
Russ will pick up cold beverages from Costco.
Colleen will order 2 honey buckets, order the tent and chairs, if Schafflemeyer doesn’t provide any chairs.
Colleen will pick up donuts. There were 4 SUV passenger cars order that will hold 7-8 passengers. There were no vans available on September 8th. Colleen called various car rentals in the area this includes Sandpoint, Spokane and Coeur d’ Alene areas.
Kirk and Madeline volunteer to make coffee but there will not be no power, a generator was suggested.

d. Signs will be needed.

11. Other Business:
a. Next meeting date: Thursday, October 18, 2018.

b. Rob Keefe had an update, Kurt Pregitzer, Dean of College Research retired. A new forester Matt Hajos will work with Rob. They might have an Active Research tour for students in spring, April or May.

c. Janet and Steve have completed their larch seedling orchard. They have planted this spring 234 seedlings.

Russ Hegedus adjourned the meeting at 11:45a.m. Sean Hammond moved the meeting be adjourned.

Colleen Meek
ITFP Administrator

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