Idaho Tree Farm Committee Minutes – October

9:00am-12pm, Thursday, October 18, 2018
Fire Hall #3 Kootenai County – 1500 N 15th St. – CDA, ID 83814

1. Call to Order
President Russ Hegedus called the meeting to order at 9:07a.m. Those present for all or part of the meeting were:
Russ Hegedus, ITFC President
Sean Hammond, ITFC Vice President, Tree Farmer
Doug Bradetich, IFG
Kurt Koetter, IDL/Tree Farmer
Andy Eckberg, ITFC District 1 Chair/IFG
Tim Schaffer, ITFC District 2 Chair/BLP
Steve Funk, IFOA/Tree Farmer
Janet Funk, ILRCC/Tree Farmer
Colleen Meek, ITFC Administrator
Madeline David, IFOA
Kirk David, IFOA
Tom Bollacker, Tree Farmer
Rich O’Quinn, IDL
Steve Cuvala, IDL
Mary Fritz, IDL/ITFC Certification Chair
Matt Engberg, NMI/ITFC Inspector Chair

2. Anti-Trust Statement
Russ Hegedus reviewed the Anti-Trust Statement with the Committee.

3. Look over and review Q3 Meeting Minutes
Russ Hegedus entertained a motion we accept as read. Motion approved.

4. Review Q3 2018 Treasurer’s Report
Steve Cuvala presented the Treasurer’s Report Program Funding year to date Cash balance is currently in the positive. Income was received from ATFS for required inspections completed, IFG for stumpage premium, and Enterprise Rental refund of deposit for IT Tour car rental.
Doug reviewed the current budget. It was suggested that the committee purchase a projector and box, since Doug would like to relinquish this task and asked for a volunteer to replace him. There was no response. Doug Bradetich moved approval of the Treasurer Report, Kurt Koetter seconded the motion. With a voice vote, the motion was carried unanimously.

5. Communications Report
Communication Chair, Erin Bradetich, was absent Doug Bradetich filled as proxy for Erin. A fall newsletter will be coming out first part of November 2018. Doug asked for suggestions for more topics for the newsletter. Committee discussed the question about UI Nursery Advisory Committee’s apparent refusal to acknowledge our representative from ITFC and IFOA’s representative (Steve Funk).

6. Old Business
a. 2018 Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year Tour, September 8th, 62 tree farmers and guests attended the fall tour. It was suggested next year might have different lunch menu.

b. Certification Chair filled with Mary Fritz.
Mary was wondering what her duties would be as a certified chair. Mary will work with Matt Engberg & National on audit logistics and keep will the state chapter informed. The new standards will be coming out for 2020-2024 Tree Farm Standards for Sustainability (forest management plan requirements) and maybe do some inspector training at the Moscow meeting.

c. National survey by Edge Contracting to clean up database.
The research will be done around the end of October. There will be three categories Decertification, Pioneer, and Certification. The Tree Farmer should also be asked if they’re participating in Idaho State Forest Stewardship Program.

d. Clean up previous “Dues Implementation”
After a lengthy Committee discussion for dues implementation, Doug stated that the previous vote was for a flat $10.00 per year and per tree farmer, as a couple will equal one. Doug moved to reconfirm this previous decision. Kurt Koetter seconded the motion. With a voice vote, Motion accepted unanimously. Kirk David questioned whether the ITFP, as a 501(c)3, (which IRS rules designate as a non-membership entity) could charge membership dues. Colleen Meek said, the ITFC accountant advised “dues”, but Kirk David said IFOA has both a (c)6 membership entity and a (c)3 non-membership entity for that reason after actively checking on IRS rules. Non-profit 501(c)3 entities can accept donations, so care should be taken as to how this arrangement is characterized.

7. New Business
a. PLT Report (Mary Fritz)
Mary Fritz reported (Per Michelle Youngquist) there will be 18 workshops in 2019 & Training for college students, including the Sustainable Forestry Tour for Teachers & Counselors. PLT will have the Photo contest, Arbor Day (last Friday in April), Essay contest, and the National Forest Product Week (3rd week in October). The STEM Outreach has approx. 2,000 participates in Idaho.
b. ILRCC Report (Janet Funk)
The ITFP representative Janet Funk stated the only current news at this time is that the IDL’s Forest Legacy Program had two applications this year (Schweitzer Mountain Resort and Molpus/Hancock), but Schweitzer later withdrew.

c. By-Laws Updates 501C3 status and “Dues Structure if Needed”
Discussion was included in “Old Business, Section d”

8. Inspections Update by District Chairs
a. Required: What’s been assigned & what’s been done?
John-District 3 – zero left
Tim-District 2 – 2 Requires will be done by end of November.
Andy-District 1 – Mike and Steve are working on them. Erin is working on 3 requires.

b. Optional and Pioneer’s – What’s been done?
District 1 – Doug said, he’ll have Mitch Westfall and Drew Westfall done in couple of weeks.
District 3 –Couple Optional will be done by end of November.

9. The vote on assessing a “Dues based membership to each Idaho tree farmer a due” i.e. Bob and Sue Jones get 1 due for the year. Likely due April 1, 2019 to renew again and be due on January 1, 2020.
This topic was discussed earlier in the meeting, “Old Business, section d”.

10. Other Business:
a. Future ITFC Open Positions for 2019-2020.
Vice President
Budget Tracker
Communication-Will Erin still hold the position?

b. People of the Year
There was a discussion that took place for 2019 Logger of Year, 2019 Inspector of Year, and 2019 Tree Farmer of the Year, the announcement to be made at the annual meeting in March.

c. Mary Fritz reported there will be changes in the Forest Stewardship Program. It is uncertain how this will affect the IDL Program. There are more questions than answers right now. The new direction will focus on work taking place across ownership and within priority landscapes. The Forest Service and State coordinators and others will work to try to roll out in 2020.

d. Next meeting: January 17, 2019

Russ Hegedus adjourned the meeting at 11:12a.m.

Respectfully submitted by,
Colleen Meek
ITFP Administrator

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